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Deep Fakes. Avoiding Blowing It #239.

Deep Fakes

Soon The Internet Will Be Fully Awash In Deep Fakes And Even Deeper Lies. That We Won’t Be Able To Believe Anything That Comes From It.

Deep Fakes

Imagine a day where you might be a world famous actor or actress having never acted a day in your life. You might just cheaply sell your likeness to a production company that makes hit after hit with a computer generated model of you. You never make it to the big screen but deep fakes of you might. That is the direction we may be heading in.

We Should Copyright Our Image Now.

Soon we may have to copyright our own image as to require others to pay for the right to use it in any capacity. That means if a social media site wants to use your image for financial gain. Which is exactly what they do currently, with all the images we post for them. They would be than be required to pay you for that right. If you had a copyright of your personal image. I’m surprised we’re not there already.

We should be able to copyright ourselves. That way no one could ever use it without permission and or paying us. How is a face public domain? No photographer should have the right to take images of you without that permission and a cut of whatever they make on your face or body. Seems only natural to me.

Lyft Driver

Just recently a Lyft driver in a very unsuccessful attempt to be kind to a sick passenger in his car. Explaining that he and his wife just got over a cold themselves and they find essential oils useful to clear up nasal congestion. He offered her a napkin with peppermint oil.

Now anyone within five feet of that napkin could deduce that strong scent is peppermint. Yet this passenger assumed she was about to be drugged or something. And instead of giving the driver the benefit of the doubt and handing it back saying no thank you. She decided to blast his image all over social media claiming no one should ever except a ride from him, that he is a creep.

She should never be able to use this man’s image, let alone drag his name through the mud without a proper investigation. It’s slander and she may have taken away this man’s livelihood in the process. If you feel threatened, get the cops involved. Don’t simply try to ruin someone because you have followers. Either way it’s high time we take back control of our work, our image, our life and our bodies. No one else has the right to them.

Don’t Always Conform #168.


Be Unapologetically Yourself And Don’t Always Conform To Societal Norms.

Some societal norms are of necessity to conform too. As to not harm other individuals with your actions. Don’t kill cheat or steal these are things we can agree to conform too to protect our fellow man. But in other areas of life we need not always conform.

Your Choice Is Who You Chose To Be.

As the great poet Ben Harper would say, your choice is who you choose to be and if you’re causing no harm than your alright with me. My choice is what I choose to do and if I’m causing no harm it shouldn’t bother you. Yet everywhere we look we are guided into conformity and it starts and a very early age.

Social norms dictate that you act as others do as to not disrupt the delicate balance of those interactions. What we wear, how we look, what we say all require a sense of uniformity. It takes a keen eye to understand you are playing a role and to break free from that role you need to go against the grain.

The strange thing is, and it’s something you have to pay very close attention to is this. Even when you think you might be bucking the trend, you may just be conforming to someone else’s rules.

The Conform of Nonconformity

I recently read of an artist who thought they were living the life of an artist not conforming to societal norms. Getting face and neck tattoos so he could be unhireable.

Sometime we just have to play by our own set of rules and this individual thought he was doing that. He moved into an “artist” warehouse where many other artist and misfits made their home. Yet in his attempt to check out of “normal” society he still had to pay rent, eat and buy supplies for his art. This required income.

36 People Perished In The Fire.

Eventually the manager of the warehouse allowed him to live rent free if he cleaned the bathrooms, collected the rent checks and occasionally put on events, basically he was working a job conforming to the rules the manager of the property set for him. Eventually this nonconformist put on a concert at this illegal warehouse living space and due to all the faulty wiring of the building it caught fire and 36 people died.

He was eventually blamed for these death and is now is forced to conform to a new life behind bars. He did not kill those people but the fact that he did the bidding of other individuals made him some how an accomplice. Don’t simply be the accomplice in others work, plans, goals or dreams. Or in this case a nightmare. This individual conformed through anti-conformity. It’s seems like these things can’t exist together but surely they do. And now this individual has to conform to the penitentiary system.

Be Yourself.

Walk to the beat of your own drum, conform where is absolutely necessary but go against the grain when it feels like the right move. Or if something doesn’t feel right, don’t simply conform to it because that’s what someone who might seem to have authority says to do. Question it and jump ship when it’s the wrong move.

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Airport Security (Blowing It Scenario #134)

It’s Becoming More Difficult And Taking Far More Time Than Any Other Form Of Transportation Just To Take A Short Flight Anywhere. Now It’s About To Only Get Worse.

Gone are the good ole days when going to the airport was an event. An enjoyable one at that. You could walk your loved one all the way to their flight to see them off. Or you could stand at their gate to patiently await their arrival to welcome them in with open arms. All it took was a simple metal detector check point crossing and away you went. You could spend the whole day together just enjoying each others company in the airport. Taking in a meal at a restaurant while watching the planes take off and land. And when it was their time to leave you said your goodbyes at the very last possible second when the airline employee took their tickets and wished them a good flight. Now a days a root canal could be more enjoyable than what it takes to get through an airport. Not to mention all the time it now takes away from your life.

If you want to take a short flight to the next state over. It nearly takes an entire day to get there. First you must get to the airport and unless you live right next door, tack on roughly an hour. Airport security suggest arriving two to three hours prior to flight just so you can hurry up and wait to eventually get objectified by an x-ray machine that blast you with radiation in order to scan and expose your entire body. Seeing everything beyond your clothing. Manned by some random stranger behind closed doors. And if they find an anomally or choose you randomly. Get ready to be physically violated by another stranger laying hands upon your body. Once you get through that madhouse. You get to patiently await news that you are one of the lucky few that your flight will be leaving on time today. However if your on the end of a delay. Congratulations you get to spend your day trapped in an airport till the company causing your delay finds you an alternative solution. Who cares that you could have spent your day enjoying your vacation or slept in. Maybe even got a little more time with your loved ones. Nope, your stuck now because you already crossed the security check point. No more coming and going as you please. Now you get to spend double what you usually would on food and drinks to provided much needed sustainance and to pass the time. Once your flight is ready to go, you get to enjoy the hour long boarding process hopefully the lugguge is loaded and the plane refueled quickly. So you can join the wait in the que of other planes taxing to your runway to take off as well. This can also take hours to get through. Now your locked in a stationary, highly confined box just waiting. No food or refreshments served at this time. And try to hold that pee till after take off. Once you finally get to your destination a better part of your day has passed. A one hour flight easily could turn into a twelve hour process. If this destination is a layover, better hope to goodness you didn’t miss your connecting flight due to these delays. That could open a whole new can of worms that could decimate your entire vacation altogether. Especially since you are only given a brief repreave from work to enjoy that one week out of the year you get free.

Now even the airport staff is losing it. Over the weekend an airport employee took it upon himself to steal a commercial plane from from Sea-Tac airport near Seattle Washington. With no flight training what so ever he managed to take off do some pretty incredible manuvers of a commercial jetliner including entire loops while inflight. After about an hour in the air and with the air Force hot on his trail he than crash landed on a secluded part of ketron island in the Puget sound killing just himself. It’s a wild story that will most likely introduce a whole new security protocol for airline employees that will most likely transend into the common travelers lives. Travelling the world is still one of the best things you can do in life. Seeing and experiencing different cultures is an incredible education in exceptance, emotional intelligence and it’s tremendously fulfilling. But is it too much to ask to make it a better, more enjoyable process along the way? Maybe that means airports create a better entainment area, one that allows everyone and only has security to just get to the gates. In that entertainment area they could have a timer on how long it will take to get through security and to your gate and have constantly updated flight info. So you no longer have to be trapped beyond security if you don’t want to be. Maybe a little more leg room and shoulder room on the planes while we’re at it. Scratch that a lot more room. And arm rest for all.

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Stand Your Ground Laws (Blowing It Scenario #129)

If You’re Able To Kill Someone After Provoking A Fight With Them, There Is Something Inherently Wrong With That Law.

Last week a gentleman in Florida provoked a fight with a couple who parked in a handicap spot. The couple who had young children in the car were approached by a man upset about their choice to park in that spot. I’m guessing they parked there in order to save time even though there was open spots closer to the front door. Or they didn’t notice it was for hanficap individuals. The couple was not handicap nor did they require handicap parking which they absolutely should have not used it as a parking spot no matter what their reasoning. No non handicap person should ever park in those spots. They are there for a reason, as convenience for those who need it most. That was their first mistake.

The man who drove the vehicle was in the store with one of his children getting snacks when he was alerted to the man fighting with the mother of his children out front. In a very ill advised move, the father stormed out of the store and ran over to shove the man causing issue with the mother. That was his second and most costly mistake. Never ever approach an irate individual who is clearly looking to goad another into a fight and immediately engage him in that fight. Allow cooler heads to prevail and ask him how we can improve the situation at hand. After the first shove, the man on the ground immediately pulled a gun from his pocket and shot the father in the chest. Even though the father seemed to yield after shoving the other man.

This man who provoked the fight in the first place who also ended it by ending another mans life. It seemed as if he was actively looking for an excuse to shoot someone and he found it by enticing another to fight him. A notion proven by another non handicap individual who parked in that same a few weeks before and said that same man engaged him and threatened him to shoot him for parking there. Now the man who killed the individual and threatened others will not be charged with any crime because he is compliant with Florida’s stand your ground gun laws. I don’t think it’s off base to believe aspects of certain laws that allow others to kill people legally need some form of ratification in order to limit the power of those who begin the dispute. These individuals must face the consequences of their actions. That man could have just brandished the gun and the fight would have ceased, lessons still would have been learned. But pulling the trigger is an action with finality to it. Leaving no options for the individual who may have made a mistake to correct that mistake. It also removed a young father from his children’s lives. In the stand your ground law it always seems to be the individuals who intiate that mortally retaliate. This has to change.

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Blowing It Scenario #104-Smart Homes And Inviting Recording Devices Into Them.

Smart Homes Of The Future Are Intended To Make Our Lives Easier But At What Cost.

Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple Home Pod, Nest Security Cameras, Amazon Security Cameras. These are all devices that can record you at anytime, unwittingly and send that information anywhere. This is what recently happened with Amazon’s Echo. A couple’s private conversation was recorded and sent to one of their contacts. This is just a small hiccup but it exposes the technology for what it truly is, a recording device to collect data on it’s users.

Simply put we invite these recording devices into our homes where we conduct our most private and intimate moments in life. And we expect these corporations that own the technology we use to just close there eyes and plug their ears while we have these moments. It’s just not how the business works, everything you do provides data, that data is then used by or sold to other companies trying to profit from your information. It’s now so invasive that the European Union recently passed the GDPR General Data Protection Regulation. Where they don’t allow these companies to track their citizens personal data. That is a step in the right direction and good for those who live in the E.U. because the rest of us have every app we download tracking our every move.

Just about every single app we now download to our phone for some reason requires access to our speaker, our camera, our personal photos, our contacts, everything. It doesn’t make any sense, and yet it makes perfect sense when your business is data driven. It’s so powerful to know when you eat, sleep, go to the restroom, what shops you frequent, what you buy, how much you drive, where you drive too, what websites you frequent, what photos you take, are you willing to tag those photos and interconnect them with others, how much exercise you get, what you talk about, what you text about. All this information is compiled into one tight little package about you. Where we can than in turn be swayed and directed into any number of funnels the powers that be want us to be shuffled into. Technology is a blessing and a curse, yes it has made our lives easier in many ways but we won’t truly know the consequences of it all because we could be on a completely different trajectory had we never been guided down the paths that our tech has guided us down.

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Blowing It Scenario #103-Opposites Attracting.

Not Sure How This Idea Behind Magnetism Became A Common Saying About Human Relationships.

Tell me if you have heard this one before or if you’ve ever told yourself, opposites attract? It’s a very common saying and belief. And although it’s very true if you are a pair of magnets. It doesn’t so much correlate to humans. Humans are so much more complicated then the north and south poles of a magnet. A more truer statement would be like attracts like. Where similarities draw in those with other similarities. Not the opposite. If you try to go after the opposite you’ll be in a constant battle. You’ll want one thing out of life while your opposing partner wants something completely different.

Opposite can sometimes challenge you in certain areas and if you are looking to be challenged it may be something you sign yourself up for. This can sometime help you in improving but it will be trying if you make a life of it. It’s great when you can complement someone else’s weaknesses with your strengths or vise versa your partner helps you where you struggle. In those situation though you’re not working as opposites, you’re working as two parts to make a whole. You are both working towards a common goal. Not opposing each other but working together, it’s two fundamentally different things.

The only real situation opposites attract in a relationship is if their is a dominant and a submissive. Where one exercises their will, while the other submits to it. This codependency is not too uncommon and if it works for you great. You can continue to tell people opposites attract. But for the rest of us, relationship are more of an ebb and flow, a get and give back mentality. A continuous effort between two to work fully in unison. Yes, you will have to at times give way to your partners demands, but most of the time you’ll want the same thing, so it won’t be hard when it comes to that. But it’s simply not as cut and dry as opposites attract because in that sense you will constantly be butting heads working towards opposite goals, opposite wants and opposite needs.

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Blowing It Scenario #76-2 Young Women Caught Smuggling 200 Pounds Of Cocaine To Australia.

Getting Caught Smuggling 200 Pounds Of Cocaine Is a 200 Pound Failure.

Actually it will add up to a lifetime failure. Two beautiful young girls who had their whole lives in front of them. Will now spend nearly a decade behind bars, because of their actions. They had just found a love for travel too. As they were traversing the globe seeing all the beautiful places the world had to offer. They got involved with the wrong people in the wrong business.

They picked up a sugar daddy. A wealthy man to pay for their way of life. Often times putting out sexually for this exchange. Almost like a high end prostitute. I reserve judgement on that. Money should be spent however you want to spend it and women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies that they see fit. With their new sugar daddy they got into the drug smuggling game. Which was probably their biggest failure, their decision to get involved in drug smuggling in the first place. That and excepting a sugar daddy. What a dumb way to go out, and who gives two young women 200 pounds of cocaine? It’s almost like they were planning to fail. I’m sure no suspicions would arise when two petite women who can barely carry their luggage are asked to open their suitcases to reveal barely any clothes and a few bricks of cocaine adorning their bags. At least practice some moderation.

However it is probably a good thing these girls got caught the way they did and only got the limited sentence they received because if they didn’t learn this lesson now. They could have fell prey to far worse individuals down the road.

Seriously though just enjoy your vacation, stay out of prison so you can continue to enjoy many more vacations. If you feel the need to smuggle something in order to make huge profits, than learn e-commerce. Than you can ship and sell legal goods all around the world. It may take a little longer to earn those huge profits but I assure you it won’t take half as long as your prison sentence.

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Blowing It Scenario #74-Police In Canada Arresting Parents Who Hog Tied Sexual Predator Who Was Targeting Their 13 Year Old Daughter.

Can Parents Not Protect Their Children Anymore.

It’s crazy to me that this is a crime that the parents committed and not a crime by the true criminal. If a 28 year old man tries to solicit sex on instagram from a 13 year old girl and that girls parents step in and capture this sexual predator when he come to their house for the inappropriate meet up. They should be given an award not arrested. Instead that’s exactly what happened in Canada recently.

Police told the parents to forget the man and block him on instagram but did nothing to the true criminal in this scenario. Instead they arrested the parents for their actions. The father said am I not alloyed to protect my family in my own house. I could not agree with him more he should have every right to do such a thing. Now this pedophile walks free while the true heroes face charges. What are we do when predators hide behind computer setting traps for innocent children to fall prey too. The parents had their answer on how to bring this man out of the shadows and I think they should have every right to pursue vigilante justice if police are unwilling to follow up a parents request to bring this man to justice themselves.

As for the websites these sick individuals operate within and fake profiles they hide behind, those websites should do more to protect children. If someone is being harassed online that person should have every right to know who their attacker is and be able to prosecute them to the full extent and backing of the law. The internet can be a very unsafe place, especially for young children. Keep them safe anyway you can, even if that means you have to get arrested for it, like this Canadian couple, than so be it.

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Blowing It Scenario #73-The Sad Story Of The Hart Family And How C.P.S. Was Too Late.

How Were These Women Able To Adopt So Many Children In The First Place.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart had six adopted children to take care of and they did the unthinkable in the end. When they drove their SUV carrying most likely all six children off a cliff in California, three children are still missing. It’s looking more and more like a homicide where all eight passengers were killed. How can such an unstable person get the approval to adopt six children let alone one? And how with frequent check ups from social workers could they maintain such a household?

From the outside these women put on a very convincingly happy facade. In all the pictures of the whole family they’re all smiling ear to ear. So how does such a tragedy occur? There were reports of child abuse by both the children and neighbors. Apparently the women were withholding meals from the children. So much so that the neighbors were feeding some of the kids up to three times a day. Yet when child protective services were closing in, the family went on the run.

By then it was too late to protect these children from their care givers. I’m not quite sure how adoptions are monitored over the years but I would hope that they maintain psychological evaluations on the adoptive parents and when red flags arise they remove the children from their care. Yet you hear about abuse often with adoptive parents. I would imagine, as soon as a child claims abuse they would immediately be removed from that environment. So we never have to hear of a story where adoptive parent launch their vehicle off a cliff at seventy miles an hour with six kids inside. No attempt to break what so ever.  It’s a completely sad tragedy and one we hopefully learn from and can avoid in the future because no child’s life should be cut short, especially when their is preventable measures that can be taken.

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Blowing It Scenario #52-The Massive Failure Of Parents With Multiple Hate Filled Children

At What Point Do You Arrest The Parents For Crimes Against Humanity That Their Children Carry Out?

I wish there was such a point, their is not. Look, sometime parents just draw the short straw and end up with a nightmare of a child through no fault of their own. Then their are other times when the parents simply created the monster. With their indoctrination of hate filled speech constantly resonating throughout the house. Usually a parent can play it off if they have only the one demon spawn. They’ll say something like, “I didn’t know he was like this, he never displayed this type of animosity before.” Or we did everything we could to raise him right. Other times you know the parents are fully at fault. That seems to be the case in the Roof household.

What kind of psychopath walks into a church of another race, sits down with the fellow church goers, gun in hand, talks briefly with the loving group and then proceeds to kill every single person in the room. Then fast forward to today where the sister of this individual takes to social media to actively insult the same people of the opposite race. Then roots for those people to be shot and killed for walking out of school to protest the very weapon her brother used to ruthlessly, cowardly, unapologetically kill multiple people. Then she is caught with weapons herself.

At what point do we finally point the finger at the parents and say this is your doing? You need to pay for these crimes. It’s really too bad we couldn’t remove those children from that environment long before the damage was done. That’s simply not how the system works. Bad parents go unpunished all the time and their children are left to carry on their hate and unrealized negative potential. If you see a kid struggling, help them, maybe the home they live in isn’t conducive to growth. And just maybe we can catch it before it’s too late. It’s not all a loss for those poor children who grow in such a place. Their are still great teachers and educators out there that care about the kids, even when now one else does. Hopefully they can be a guiding light in those darkest households.

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