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Blowing It Scenario #37-Drinking Alcohol To Live Past 90.

A Study Came Out Claiming That If You Want To Live To 90 Moderate Drinking May Help You Get There.

This is just crazy to me. I really don’t know how this study came across this hypothesis or how they determined such an end result since the study began in 2003. It just perpetuates the idea that I have long since suspected, they we are pushed to drink. In every social setting we’re supposed to drink, in every movie or show, drinking is often glorified. Every sporting event alcohol is the main sponsor. I imagine without it our economy might just collapse. It’s the social lubricant that gets you free of inhibition to make those impulse actions and purchases. Moderation is so difficult because as your self control wanes, so does your ability to say no. You more often then not agree to have more and more. Even full well knowing you be paying for it the next day. Sometimes for two to three days after. The loss in productivity alone could be the economic balance act. You spend a lot on drinking and going out then you turn around and lose it on lost productivity.

In contrast to this miracle health benefit alcohol somehow provides. I have also read many more studies on the adverse effects of alcohol. They have linked it to dementia, heart disease, cancer, liver disease. The list goes on and on. You can also factor in all the arrest made due to over drinking, the loss of life due to drunk driving, the sexual assaults, STD’s, alcohol poisoning. Often in these inhibited states one tends to explore other drugs, leading to a whole other slew of problems. Knowing that the benefits hardly outweigh the cost. We willingly and might I say happily submit to or urges at least every weekend. Or if your on the health plan, every day. Because let’s be honest drinking is pretty darn fun. Who cares about the consequences.

However, if you’re one of the few who choose not to submit to this constant bombardment, don’t worry their will be a fair amount of harassment coming your way along with studies to support why you should be drinking more. Don’t give in to it. But if you do, who knows what can happen. You may just some how find that sweet spot of dosing and if you stick to it maybe you just might be one of the lucky few to make it to 90. That is if you don’t develop the plethora of alcohol related diseases along the way. Good luck.

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