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Feeding Your Child Store-Bought Baby Food laden With Toxic Heavy Metals.

Heavy Toxic Metals

Most Store-Bought Baby Food Contain Dangerous Levels Of Toxic Heavy Metals.

Is that not insane? This all goes back to simply trusting the food manufacturers and believing what they put in our foods are safe even for the most fragile lives among us. Yet that trust is shattered when they poison babies with dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals in store-bought baby food. Just read this article from CNN.

Toxic Heavy Metals Baby Food

So many parents are unaware of this mass poisoning. And we would all stay blissfully ignorant to it, had congress not stepped in and conducted an investigation. It’s terrifying the ramifications that many children will have due to this criminal oversight. Yet I’m sure the purveyors of these companies won’t be punished. Which they should be to the full extent of the law.

These children who have ingested these high levels of toxic heavy metals in their food for years growing up. Could end up with all kind of health and developmental issues from cancer to neurodegenerative diseases. All from their parent’s trusted source of food. Parents who probably were none the wiser and thought they were doing good feeding their children from these sources.

Take Control of What We Feed Our children

This all comes back to one option. We have to take responsibility for feeding our own children. And not outsource it to large manufacturers who are poisoning our children. Sure it’s a little less convenient to have to make our own baby food but you have to consider the alternative. It’s an absolute no brainer if you know what you now know.

It’s really not that difficult either. Just buy the whole healthy organic fruits and vegetables you want to feed your child. Then feed those through a masticating juicer if your baby is allowed raw foods or steam and mash them if they can’t. Super simple and just might save a child’s life.

Financial Repercussions Of Coronavirus. Avoiding Blowing It #255.

Financial Repercussions of Coronavirus

With Many Jobs And Events Forcing To Close. There Will Be Major Financial Repercussions Of Coronavirus.

Financial repercussions of coronavirus
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

It’s all fine and dandy for those who work in industries they can have their employees work remotely. They actually are having a lovely little paid vacation. No commute just work on your task from home, it’s wonderful. Their financial repercussions of coronavirus will be minimal.

State workers and teachers will have state benefits look after them and many classes can simply move to online.

But those who actually have to get out and earn their living through a physical presence at their place of employment will suffer most.

The Bills Are Not Taking a Vacation.

As much as we would all love to put life on hold hunker down till this all passes we simply can’t.

Unless there is some mandate that suspends all expenses until the virus passes. We all still have to earn our keep. What about the parents that still need to work and yet their children are out of school. How do they manage their households?

Its so easy for government to mandate closures but they are not taking into account the what the financial repercussion of the Coronavirus have on a micro level. That is what is going to do the most damage.

It’s an interesting time. Right now it all seems like quite the over reaction. It’s a strain of flu that has a 2% mortality rate and that’s mostly amongst elderly people.

However, in researching what the Spanish flu of 1918 did. You can get yourself a little worried.

In a similar vein it came on around March with near identical affect. Targeting mostly the elderly. But by the next fall the strain had morphed into a far deadlier version of itself and began killing at will healthy young individuals by the millions. So it’s not really the first wave that creates the cause for an all out panic.

We also have to understand this was 1918 technology has far surpassed what is what then and I expect answers to come far faster then back then. But there are a lot more people now. And we have transportation systems that can take a virus all over the world in a matter of days if not hours.

What Can We Do?

I think a lot of the preemptive measures are on point but there are issues not addressed and that is mainly the financial ones. This may just be the virus that kills the poor since the wealthy can isolate themselves more. And the poor have to earn their living through mostly physical labor. The problem with that is it will still spread rapidly if not all citizens are looked after.

All we can do as individuals is practice impeccable hygiene avoid contact as much as possible. And if you’re sick stay at home.

We may have to find some side hustles in the meantime to cover our bills. I imagine if it gets bad enough maybe governments around the world will finally institute a universal basic income so necessities are covered. Because the financial repercussions of coronavirus, like the virus itself, is just getting started.

Putting Dry Ice In A Swimming Pool. Avoiding Blowing It #253

Dry Ice

Dry Ice Is Pure Carbon Dioxide. First Breath Knocks You Unconscious, Second Kills You.

Over the weekend at a party in Moscow. A few people thought it would be a good idea to put dry ice in a swimming pool. If you ever witnessed dry ices smokey vapor billow from it’s interaction with a glass of water. You would deem it’s cool looking science. You could unwittingly surmise that it would be much cooler on a grander scale. I believe that thought may have crossed the minds of the party goers in Moscow. And three people died because of it.

Dry Ice

If you have ever worked around CO2 you know that it is a very dangerous gas. In a brewery for instance you’re taught never to put your head into a fermenter or bright tank if CO2 could be present. There are CO2 detectors all through out the brewery. Why? Because CO2 is so deadly. As the saying goes the first breathe will knock you unconscious and the second will kill you. Carbon Dioxide is heavier than air so it settles to ground level. So when you do ultimately pass out you’re blanketed by the gas once on the floor.

So if you put it in a pool right where your head bobs out is a thick layer of deadly gas. Just small breathe of it is like a punch to the face if you can survive the knock out blow. Get out of there immediately. A pool is actually a multiplier of the danger. You hold your breath to go under water when you come up the first thing you want to do is take a big breathe and bam like that you’re unconscious. Hard for anyone to save you because you would need a oxygen tank just to breathe while exerting yourself in that environment. Others would parish too without it if they tried to jump into to the pool to grab others.

Just err on the side of caution. If you want a smokey pool rent a smoke machine. And take gases very seriously if you don’t know how they affect the body don’t use them. The fact that you have to be 18 to purchase dry ice should signify the dangers but maybe we need even more warning labels.

Mouth Breathing Children. Avoiding Failure #229

If You Have Mouth Breathing Children Who Are Acting Out. Get Them Checked Out With A Sleep Physician. As Well As Ear Nose and Throat.

Mouth Breathing

If a child is acting out we often jump to conclusion of the sad diagnosis, ADHD. Children are often pumped full of drugs that they often don’t need because of failures to spot more underlying cause. We tend to avoid digging deeper and except that fate. But we should always dig deeper especially when it comes to children.

Sleep has such a profound affect on all humans especially young children with rapidly developing brains. And as one mother recently pointed out her son was wildly acting out and was slightly uncontrollable. Usual diagnosis would categorize this as ADHD and he would be put on ritalin or something similar. They may have to try numerous drugs to find the right concoction. One that would insure he remains vacant and docile but more focused. But the hidden in this child’s suffering was a severe lack of sleep brought on by sleep apnea. And blocked nasal airways.

This could have easily gone unnoticed if it wasn’t for a diligent mother who noticed her child would sleep with his mouth open. Children should not be breathing through their mouths ever. It’s a huge red flag and one that should never go unchecked and untreated. Especially if your child is having behavioral problems and acting out.

Always check the quantity and quality of their sleep. The brain doesn’t get enough oxygen when mouth breathing and the lower oxygen saturation the brain receives the worse the sleep quality. And it can have a major impact in life. This child was getting absolutely no REM which is detrimental to brain health. Just be sure to exhaust all options before medication when it comes to the health of you and you child.

Purchasing A Peloton Or It’s Stock #223.


For The Price Of A Used Vehicle You Can Own A Peloton Stationary Bicycle.

Never did I think I would see the day where someone would attach a tablet to a stationary bike then charge to watch Youtube bicycle training videos. But here we are. And the total cost for such an apparatus. Anywhere between $2200 and $4000. It’s $4000 if you want to walk in place on a treadmill while watching your tablet. Add in another $39 per month if you want access to your videos. Now this company has gone public and Peloton is worth over a billion dollars somehow.

This Is Ludicrous.

I’ll save about $2090 plus monthly membership fees right now. First, head down to your local thrift store and purchase one of the many discarded stationary bicycles they have on hand. Usually for around $10. Because nearly everyone that buys one of these things eventually just gives it away, or it sits collecting dust.

Then hop on the internet or go to an electronics store and buy a cheap $100 tablet. Lastly look up free Youtube videos of bike rides, walks, or workouts. Whatever you’re looking to accomplish.

And their you have it, you just saved a couple thousand on what would eventually end up as junk anyway. And here’s the beauty, you can take that tablet anywhere. It’s versatile, it’s not screwed to a bike that never moves forward.

Another Alternative

Is don’t buy any of it. If you already have a gym membership. Which is usually less than what Peloton charges to watch their videos. Than just use their equipment and never have to own any of it.

Lastly And This Might Be The Craziest Idea Of All.

Photo by Timotheus Fröbel on Unsplash

Get yourself a real freaking bike and go outside and ride it. I know the thought of getting outside in nature and actually riding a bike that has two wheels and propels you towards a destination can be scary. But think of the alternative. You could be stuck at home, peddling your feet and watching a screen on a $2000 appliance that never goes anywhere.

Either way Peloton is doing something right, because I’m sitting here writing critiques. While they’re making millions and are valued in the billions. So if you want one and you have the money to throw at it. By all means do it. Just remember when it begins to collect dust, I gave you an alternative.

Ageism #217.


Ageism Is The Discrimination We All Seem To Be Okay With.

It almost seems like somewhat of a joke, ageism. We think we don’t discriminate against different age groups. Yet every single age group does it. Young discriminate against the old. Older generations blame millennials for destroying some of the old ways and businesses that once thrived. Opportunities are abundant at some ages, and completely closed off at others. In dating your age can be a complete handicap or the reason you succeed.

As we age we grow sharper we have more tools to utilize when it comes to problem solving. Yet we treat the older individual often with scorn. Like they don’t deserve a place at the table anymore. In our youth we have vitality, quick recovery as well as immaturity. With that immaturity comes boldness and confidence. Not many are jaded young.

Why is it we look at others differently due to their age? You might miss the love of your life a perfect companion all because they fell out of a certain age group. You may pass up the ideal job candidate because of age.

Why do some cultures celebrate age, care and look after their older citizens? While others seem to condemn and ostracize them? Why is it at some ages we get the respect we deserve? And at others people will try to walk all over you?

Maybe We’re Just Trying To Stay With Our Tribe.

Age Factors into that. Ageism might also have to do with the long held assumptions we have about aging. Yes as the body ages it sometimes begins to lose that youthful vitality. It begins to breakdown. But it doesn’t always have to in the times we assume it does. We could exercise and eat right and hold on to it longer than most.

Photo by Matthew Bennett on Unsplash

Yet that will not change the reaction of some when they hear the number of years that body has supported life on earth. We either need to let go of our hangups on age. And if we can’t do that, we should never have to disclose what our age truly is.

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Toxic Algae Blooms And Pets #213

Toxic Algae Blooms

More Importantly, Don’t Let Your Dogs Swim In Water With Toxic Algae Blooms.

Photo by Mihály Köles on Unsplash

A lady in North Carolina lost all three of her dogs within hours of letting them cool off in a near by pond. The culprit, liver failure from cyanobacteria due to toxic algae blooms. Blue-green Algae is the most common to cause this reaction. There is no cure for this poisoning so avoidance is paramount.

How would any well-intentioned pet owner know, not to let their dog cool off in a pond? Dogs eat way worse than pond water and come out just fine. And without any warning signs your left to just make judgment calls. But here are some red flags. If the weather has been unseasonably warm and the body of water is completely stagnant. This is the ideal breading ground for toxic algae blooms.

What Are Some Alternatives.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Even if the dogs don’t actively drink this toxic water supply. If they swim in it, it gets on their fur and when they lick it off then it can still kill them. To err on the safe side just don’t let dogs swim and play in warm stagnant water. Look for blue green algae on the surface of the water. If your dog is over heated think of other ways to cool them off. Hose them down or maybe take them to a river. Natural flow of water break up and disrupt the production of cyanobacteria that make up these toxic algae blooms. I know no pet owner ever wants to see this happen to there animals let along any other. Stay vigilant loving pet owners.

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The Dangers Of Energy Drinks #208.

energy drinks

We Should All Probably Avoid Energy Drinks.

The health risks are high with this very popular, very common beverage. There should be warning labels on energy drinks. Drink at your own risk, can cause untimely immediate death.

Energy Drinks
Photo by thom masat on Unsplash

Hospitals have seen an increase in younger patients with all kinds of life threatening ailments. Due to elevated levels of sugar and caffeine in these drinks. It only takes one energy drink to throw your heart out of rhythm causing arrhythmia. And with that interference it can send you into cardiac arrest or stroke. Which can often lead to death.

American Heart Association Findings

Even the American Heart Association found that caffeinated energy drinks. Altered the electrical activity of the heart and raised blood pressure. Not only do they contain high levels of caffeine. Many also contain Guarana which breaks down into it’s own form of caffeine in the body. As well as Taurine which has been known to cause brain damage in rats.

Beware Of The Many Dangers Of Energy Drinks.

Getting an increase in unnatural supply of any chemical is going to have adverse affects upon the body. Know the dangers and know that it only takes one drink to throw your heart out of whack. I highly recommend avoiding them at all cost and would suggest finding a healthy all natural alternative. Drink natural fresh made organic fruit or vegetable juices or have tea and if tea isn’t enough try coffee. But again limit yourself, you don’t want your body to become dependent. Lastly get good sleep so you don’t even need energy drinks.

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Buying Into Meat Alternatives Hype #198.

Meat Alternatives May Be Better For The Environment, And They May be Better For Your Health. But What If They’re Not?

Beyond Meats the meat alternative brand’s stock has risen over 500% since going public and it continues to grow as more and more food supplier purchase their goods. Beyond Meat is a non animal based “meat product.” So it has the taste, texture and feel of being a burger or sausage or any other plant based meat product they engineer next.

Can Our Bodies Even Digest Non-meat Meat?

But here lies the paradox. Digestion begins with sight, first you see your tasty burger and at that moment your body begins to produce enzymes to break down animal based meat proteins. And once your body is prepared to break down meat protein and you don’t introduce any. It’s going to throw your digestion all out of wack. Your body is still operating like meat is coming into your system.

Secondly, this has to be a highly processed product in order to get those correct textures, and flavors. We don’t really fully know what’s in this product. Yes it’s called plant based but that’s only the base. What other chemicals and foreign food additives are placed into this concoction to get it to that taste. I strongly doubt that this is a healthier alternative to actual organic free range pastured meat. Which has no additives yet is still very taxing on the human body.

Photo by Emerson Vieira on Unsplash

What’s The Answer?

Lastly the argument could be made that meat alternatives have a lower impact on the environment. Which could very well be true. We don’t have the numbers on that, but I imagine harvesting all the extra ingredients as well as deriving certain chemicals and additives takes it’s toll on the environment as well. So putting this all together there’s a simple solution, if you’re going plant based, eat plants.

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Inattentional Blindness Also Known As Perceptual Blindness #195.

It is where an individual fails to perceive an unexpected stimulus in plain sight. When it becomes impossible to attend to all the stimuli in a given situation, a temporary “blindness” effect can occur.

It looks as though cognitive biases seem to not allow us to perceive fact, when it’s too incomprehensible to conceive. Recently a male German nurse was convicted of 87 counts of murder. This is the number they have proof of, the actually total could be upwards of 200. That number can’t be proven due to the many postmortem cremations the hospital performed. So the question is, how did so many coworkers over the years working with this man seem to have complete blindness to his actions?

Perceptual Blindness
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

Hospitals Can Be One Of The Best Place To Exercise Tunnel Vision.

Death is commonplace within the hospital walls and I’m sure if you don’t build a tough skin to it, you won’t last long in the medical field. But that shouldn’t be an excuse to completely disregard warning signs that your coworker may be this mass murderer. Granted that is the unexpected stimuli in this scenario. The cause of the blindness, the fact that someone was actively killing off the patients and everyone failed to see it happening in plain sight. The nurse would poison patients in an attempt to show off his revival skills. Making it seem like he was very passionate about saving lives not taking them.

How Are We So Unaware And So Naive?

At what point does something arise within you, that makes you feel off and question the many red flags you may be privy too? And how is it hospitals don’t have loss ratios? There simply has to be data on how many patients perished and under who’s care for any given time frame. The patterns in data don’t lie and clearly had this been an area of focus, this man would have been caught far sooner. Maybe that is the silver lining for this action, that hospitals will take greater focus on who they’re hiring and what those hires due on a day to day basis. Making it impossible for any other to commit these kinds of acts in plain sight. They will now be attentive to the acts of others including their coworkers.

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