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The Idiocy In The Statement Those Who Can’t Do Teach. How To Not Blow It #257

Those who can't do teach

It’s A Ridiculous Thing To Insinuate. Those Who Can’t Do Teach.

How in the world do you think those that “do” ever learned how to achieve their results? They were taught it. The teacher, the coach, the mentor, authors, they are the most important pieces to success of the doer. If anything those who teach know more on the subject than anyone they are teaching. There is absolutely no validity to saying those who can’t do teach.

Those who can't do teach
Photo by Kristina Paparo on Unsplash

Often those who “do” it best. Those who had the benefit of learning from the greatest teachers. It’s those students who later go on to becoming some of the best teachers themselves. They mentor those who come after them, to give back.

Knowledge is passed down generation to generation. Teaching is a passion and a gift. Never bite the hand that feeds you with statements like these.

Throughout history we have always had systems of master and apprentice. Often the master is doing and teaching and that is how most teachers came to be. They were doers first and intricately studied that which they teach.

We Should Be So Lucky To Be Blessed With A Good Teacher.

As the saying goes when the student is ready the teacher will appear. They are of utmost importance.

The only place those who can’t do teach has any relevancy is in sports. Where physical attributes may not have blessed upon the teacher. And or they have aged beyond their prime. Yet they know the ins and outs of the sport they teach far better then any person on the field.

It’s a Complete Asinine Statement To Say Those Who Can’t Do Teach.

Not really sure who in the world it ever got started. A better statement is, those who can’t do and never want to learn use statements like that those who can’t do teach.

Thank your teachers, never put them down. Never diminish their achievements. For they often know far more then you in whatever area you may be insulting them in.

Create A College Scam And Then Get Everyone You Made Accomplices In Your Crime In Trouble #188.

College Graduation

One of the biggest college admissions scandals in history was revealed. And the person who took it down is same person who started it.

This comes as a surprise to me. I had already thought that money could buy you a diploma at the elite schools. Now it’s proven that it could, you just had to take a shadier path to get there. A man created a false charity to launder money in order to bribe school officials, and coaches. Than they facilitated ways to cheat on the SAT and ACT. All in order to get kids who would otherwise not make it into the elite universities away in. Then after this man who created this whole fraudulent system gets caught. He then goes and throws all the people he brought into this system under the bus. For fraud that they were committing under his tutelage. It’s hard to think, who wouldn’t take a bribe that says you can help a student get into the college. They want to get in to and you’ll make money facilitating this. Just on principle alone it would be hard to turn that down. Especially when people need more and more money survive just the day today life and pay bills.

So now you get paid you help a student. Who wouldn’t otherwise get into college get into the college of their dreams. After doing so the man who bribed you. Comes back and incriminates you for helping with the scheme he concocted in the first place.

College Graduation
Graduation Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The College Scheme Exposed.

Schemes like these have probably been going on for decades. It’s only now being brought to the attention, I assume because it was on such a large scale. And it wasn’t quite enough money to turn a blind eye.

Ultra wealthy parents of children have been working the system for years in order to get their children into the same alumni. Honestly colleges are already so damn expensive that they should just make that the entire system as is. If you want to get into a Princeton or Harvard. You just have to have x more dollars than anybody else. It seems like that’s how the system already works. All in all I think the scam just really exposes the college system as a whole. A corrupt flawed overpriced system. College is the ultimate scam.

Don’t Blame The Parents For Wanting A Better Life For Their Children.

I don’t blame the parents for wanting the better life for the children. I don’t blame the school officials or coaches wanting to earn more and help a child out in the process. The real people who suffer from this are the kids who either learn cheating gets you ahead. Or they are given a golden ticket that they never had to work for. Which may give them even more entitlement down the road. The fact that they need to do this to get into the “right” college in order to have the “best” future, is the real scam.

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Buying Into And Paying For High Priced Training’s To Make Money #174.

If You’re Paying Someone Else Anything More Than The Cost Of A Book. To Learn How To Make Money. Than You Will Be The One Losing Money. While You’re Providing Profit To The Huckster Selling You The Program.

Almost all the information is out there for free online. No money needed, no paying anyone anything. Just do a quick YouTube search and you can learn how to repair your car, make home improvements, build websites, sell online. You name it you can find it free online or in a book store. The information is endless and right at your fingertips.

No Paying With Free Books From The Library

If you can not find it free it should cost you nothing more than the price of a book to get the information you need. And even with that method most libraries contain the books need for free.

Yet many are getting rich off telling people they can help them make money. If they just pay for their online courses. There is a deluge of people online touting they can help you make excellent money selling on Amazon just committing a few hours a day tops.

Many of these course range in the thousands to tens of thousands to participate in and many of these companies are under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission due to their fraudulent claims, customer complaints, and with many customers losing their life savings in the process.

What Are Some Solutions?

As hopeful as we may be about a program that can teach us to make thousands, if not millions. We have to look in ourselves and ask are we just to lazy to do the ground work ourselves? That is not to say that guidance isn’t necessary. Find a mentor if possible. But if we all receive the same guidance the path becomes well worn. Easy to navigate but as the population continues to grow that path increasingly erodes, And our returns are consistently diminished.

Making Money Online

You have to find what works for you and sometimes that requires trail and error. Minimize error by not committing all your savings to one product or class or service. Unless you are absolutely certain you will see it all the way through to fruition or worst case scenario, have a cut off point for if you don’t make it. Diversify your education and your creations. Just remember education should not cost thousands. It’s out there and it’s mostly free.

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Don’t Wear Headphones While Charging Phone #167.

It Seems Like Common Sense To Not Wear Headphones While Charging. But Even I Was Unaware You Could Get Electrocuted And Die From An Electrical Surge.

Headphones While Charing
Photo by on Unsplash

With some chargers being so cheaply made in order to keep them as inexpensive possible. In this glut and over abundance we are bound to run into some occasions of faulty wiring. Faulty wires, which can burn up phone batteries. And apparently if you’re not careful the surge can blow right through your phone. Up through your headphones and electrocute you to death.

This very phenomenon recently happened to a 16 year old boy in Malaysia. But this is not the only occasion of this happening. All around the world there are reports of people who have died from having there headphones in there ears while charging their phone. It’s usually due to a faulty off market cell phone charger that allows a surge of electricity to come streaming through the phone.

What Are Some Better Options.

So lets err on the side of caution and never wear our headphones while charging our phone. And if we feel we absolutely have to wear headphones choose Bluetooth headphones instead. Or simply play music through the phones speaker. And lastly try not to buy off market cheap chargers. Not only can they burn up your phone they can potentially kill you if you’re not careful.

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Remaining Ignorant #148.


Remaining Ignorant Is Bliss. Or Is It?

It’s a fact, the truth can sometimes be painful. And we will at times want to avoid it at all cost. The truth can sometimes paint an ugly grotesque picture of the world around us. Remaining ignorant insulates us for that. But with that same stroke of the brush it can create a beautifully enlightened image as well. It’s a far more valuable position to be in the know. And you will be in a better state to help others as well.

Ignorance Sometimes Feels So Safe

Like nothing can harm us there. Everything is blissful, like you’re riding a gum drop train on a rainbow to Idiotsville. While you and your fellow passengers admire the vacancy of realism around. All the while staying numb to the facts we left behind us in the real world.

We’re like new born babies, happily blind to our ignorance and content in not knowing. Not a care in the world. No cheating significant others live there, no neglectful parents, no war, no genocide, no famine, no environmental disasters approach us there, the list goes on and on.

Photo by Klemen Vrankar on Unsplash

And often times it’s far more fun to visit that land of make believe. But we cannot remain there forever. Growth only comes from when we are in the knowing. Sometimes we can achieve phenomenal new learning experiences just by digging deeper into our own long held beliefs.

Breaking Free From Ignorance.

I was fortunate enough to have such an experience. A child of special needs recently came into my life. A wonderful child who is non verbal autistic. All the information I was privy to before told me that the child may not advance much past a two year old mentality.

Only after doing research I became blown away to discover that most likely hiding behind an autistic facade. Is a child just like any other kid with the same mental capacities. And what is actually happening behind that facade is not necessarily a mental disorder. Its a brain body disconnect where the body does not obey what the mind tells it to do. These children are literally locked into a malfunction body while professionals give them little chance.

Therapy That Works.

What they need is not speech therapy but a way they can actually communicate and Somo’s RPM (rapid prompting method) has proven to work. With extensive training pointing to letters on a letterboard they were able to find their “voice.” I was enthralled by all the non verbal autistic authors who were considered “low functioning.” Who now communicate there high intelligence with the world at large.

If you want to dig deeper yourself read Ido Kedar’s “In Two World’s” or his blog. Check out videos by Carly Fleischmann. Or read Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay. All these people, once written off by society are major contributors to educating others about how truly valuable individuals with special needs can be.

True Bliss.

This is just a small sample of how my previous ignorance to a situation got in the way of understanding the plight of other individuals. Think of the enormous amount of information out there that we remain ignorant to. Let’s refuse to stay unintelligibly ignorant. Let’s learn, grow and always be looking for ways to help others. That’s where true bliss resides.

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Underestimating The Power Of Words (Blowing It Scenario #130)

Words Hold Tremendous Power Over Us. How Is It We Give Them Such Incredible Meaning?

Words can be the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end. They can be beautifully elagant or disasterously repugnant. They can help you obtain love of the one you fancy most or they can destroy the foundations of relationships long established. They can employ you and empower you. They can give cause to fire you or fight you. They can enlighten you and educate you. They can depress you and demoralize you. They can start and end wars. You can live or die by the choice of words you choose. They can be hateful or loving. The same words can have different meanings in different context. They can offend and be hard to comprehend. They can be supportive, complimentary, and congratulatory. You can use them to commend or reprimand. They can condesend and cast doubt. They’re both humorous and sad. You can use words to express joy and elation. They can be hurtful or pleasurable. You can use a depressing dialog one filled with sorrow and pain. Or you can use an uplifting optimistic dialog filled with positivity and hope. You will ruminate over them and dissect them. Say the wrong thing and you may pay for it for life, or with life. Say the right thing and it can give you an abundance in that same life.

Singular words can offend whole cultures, races, genders, sexual orientations. N word, C word, F word, B word. List the alphabet a to z and you’ll probably find a word for every corresponding letter that will offend another in some shape or form.

Recently the director of Guardians Of The Galaxy was fired from his post for derogatory comments made in jest over a decade ago. Those comments have since been deleted. It was a misguided attempt at humor that does not represent the director to this day. But words can transend time, written word will be around long after your gone and now if they’re posted on the internet they may very well survive through any and all effort of removal. And the words the director once uttered have since cost him his job. To the dismay of his co-workers and many others who have worked with him through the years. It’s a valuable lesson to learn, so valuable it may cost this man millions.

Always be careful about what you say and who you say it too. Be slow to cast judgement. Think before speak. Ask yourself of how it will effect others. If we can speak or write we will all make mistakes at some point, it’s human nature. Be swift to forgive those who express remorse. Sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the most important ones. And it often comes through your own trial and error. Be patient with yourself and others. Remember the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words…well words just might be the reason for those sticks and stones and broken bones. Chose to use them wisely.

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Necessity Of College Degrees (Blowing It Scenario #126)

The Idea That A College Degree Is Necessary For Success Is Right Up There On Par With Scamming A Senior Citizen Or Robbing The Blind.

What a brilliant racket colleges have at their disposal. Convince a generation of kids and parents that they can’t succeed in life without a college degree. Than in actuality set them up for failure in life, when they have a mountain of insurmountable debt because of said degree. It’s the ultimate irony.

These are mostly just kids coming out of high school hardly knowing any better. We go on believing that this amazing piece of paper called a diploma is our golden ticket. We can take it anywhere in our field of study and get that high paying career right out the gate. Meanwhile most kids and some adults with that expensive degree in hand, that they just purchased. Financed through years of their time, as well as banks and the federal government loans. Cant find work in their suggested field. Many college graduates usually find menial work that does not require any degree what so ever. All the while colleges become more wealthy off this lie we continue to believe.

They even sell some kids on the idea that if you entertain audiences representing our school via sports you can get your college paid for. They tell the unsuspecting youth, “work for us full time for four years we won’t pay you a dime, try not to get injured because if you do will kick you out. Just make sure you continue to entertain with our school insignia and we’ll be sure to rep the rewards from our students by charging them more to watch you play. And the money machine keeps chugging away. Talk about setting a student up for failure amke them an athlete that gives his work away for free. We’re going to teach you the exact opposite of valuing your time. Just give us your body. And we’ll send you out of here thinking you need to give your all for nothing in return.

Some employers even help to perpetuate this lie by requiring a college degree for employment. I’m surprised we haven’t filed a class action lawsuits against these employers. This should be considered discrimination. It says if you’re not wealthy or willing to take on massive early in life debt to go to college we don’t want you. Completely neglecting the fact of true education or emotional intelligence. You could be of far superior knowledge than most college grads and chose to intelligently avoid financial ruin early on in life by dodging the college fund juggernaut but since you don’t have that false claim of intellect, the all mighty diploma, you won’t even be considered for the job.

Now there are speciality fields that require a vast depth of knowledge. And college courses can help to develop the foundation of education in these niches. But why aren’t employers offering these courses for pre employment? They should be offering in the job apprenticeships. Trust me you don’t need a college degree to get a good job either. So unless you’re dead set on your field of entry for life. Don’t jump onto the college degree path. You may regret it down the road when the only career you can get is extremely unrewarding but you have to stay in it just to pay back your loan. Save your money invest in yourself. It will take knowledge to get ahead but knowledge is free, just look for it. Use your local library or the internet to achieve it.

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Curse Of Knowledge Blowing It Scenario #119).

This Is When You Are Knowledgeable In A Particular Subject Or Have Some Form Heightened Understanding. Sometimes When You Know Something And Grasp It, It Can Have An Adverse Effect On You. You’re Cursed In The Sense You Believe Everyone Carries This Same Knowledge.

You become handicapped by this belief and don’t utilize your abilities to there fullest. This is really a tough one and if we’re not over confident in a particular area, I believe we can and have all fallen prey to it without ever really knowing it. And that is where the curse begins, you withhold your knowledge in the belief no one could possibly want or need this because I know how to do it, and if I know I’m sure everyone else knows.

It slightly falls in line with impostor syndrome where when you begin a new specialized task and because you aren’t quite an expert you feel like an impostor. You feel at every turn you’ll be exposed for the fraud you think you are in that moment. Either fake it till you make it or believe in yourself. Because here’s the catch everyone is slightly uncertain and people do want and need your knowledge. No one has all the answers. Discover what your knowledgeable in and teach others. Or use that knowledge to help others. Those services are highly valuable and coveted by many who don’t already possess them or have the time to acquire them.

Try not to be over confident to the point of cockiness but stay highly confident in your abilities to the point that you don’t get trapped in the curse. I fall victim to this curse all the time. After building this website friends would say why don’t you build websites for others and I would say I figured out how to do it pretty easily others will have the same abilities. Every time I write I think everyone already knows this stuff why reiterate it. But I do it anyway because I could be wrong maybe it is new useful knowledge. Everything we do can be useful to someone else. We just have to find those things and believe we are necessary to growth.

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Blowing It Scenario #95-Blaming Others.

Blaming Others For Your Problems, Is The Crutch For The Insecure.

You could be dooming yourself to be forever hopelessly helpless, if you never take accountability for your own actions. Take ownership of your faults just as much as your successes. Blaming others is a powerful crutch, you can place the full weight of all your problems 100% on an other persons shoulders. And in your mind you can be absolved of all the work it takes to make a change because it’s not your fault.

Blame your parents for your poor upbringing and subsequent failures. Blame your children for a life less lived, blame your spouse or significant other for your unhappiness, blame your boss for your nonexistent work life balance. There is and will always be hundreds of people around you to blame but only one of them should carry the load of all of it and that person is you. If you failed to get to work on time that is your fault, not traffic (or in other words blaming the thousands of other people on the road at the same time as you). If you slide back into a poor habit, you are not some victim of circumstances and that is not the fault of other people in your life. You put yourself there, you are the only one who can get yourself out. If you fail to follow through on a promise or plans that is all on you.

This is not to say don’t give credit where credit is do. If you are helped along the way towards successes thank those around you who have assisted you in your progress. For without their help the journey would have been a far bigger struggle.

Just know that wherever you are in life you are winning in that area. If you are lowly and destitute you have won a hard fought battle towards that ultimate goal. If you are wealthy and happy, know that the same holds true for you, you won the race. If your a janitor or professor, homemaker or surgeon, baker or astronaut, you won. That was what you chose to be victorious at. Keep playing the game, if you don’t like the rules or the prizes you have won than change it. You have the power to do so but you will only be successful if you take full ownership of all your outcomes.

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Blowing It Scenario #90-Carbon Dioxide Levels At Their Highest In 800,000 Years.

Congratulations Everyone, We Did It, Que The Bells And Whistles.

We reached the highest levels of CO2 in 800,000 years. It’s a cause for celebration right? Now our ever diminishing forest and acidifying oceans can get more of that sweet odorless colorless gas they breathe in so well. It’s time to really work towards solutions. We all probably be long gone before we have to face any true adversity. But this planet is a gift that we received we need to take care of it and be stewards of it for generations to come.

I’ll admit I’m very much part of the problem I’m working on this computer right now that needed to be charged before us, energy consumption. I’m doing my laundry water and high energy consumption. I drive a vehicle that averages around 20 miles to the gallon more burning of fossil fuels. I think most people would love to do their part.

It just seems that in order to do so most would have to go into debt servitude in order to afford the right things to repair the planet. We would all love to go completely clean energy. Solar panels on the house will probably set you back $40,000 a new electric car let’s be generous and say $30,000. Grow as much of your own produce which requires a lot of time and energy. Valuable time and energy. when all is said and done you could spend upwards of a hundred grand just to get squared a way. And how did you come by that income. You probably worked for it or have a business that created the profit, maybe you drove your car everyday to a massive consumption hungry business park or office. Or you relied on others, those who ran the factories and built all the things we have to make our lives a bit more easy. So much goes into that little paper towel we just threw out. I guess one of the alternatives is we could all live in tiny homes and use composting toilets and ride our bikes everywhere. But that might be a tough sell for most.

Look I’m not saying change can’t be done. I’m saying it currently cost less and is far easier to stay the course we’re presently on. Meaning we’ll most likely continue to increase our appetite for consumption. And next year we’ll have even more carbon in the atmosphere. And with that the hunger only grows stronger. The people could demand it but when power is consolidated to such a rare few. Those in power must step up and say enough is enough and do it with out getting ostracized from the power community. It’s time we work towards new solutions even if those don’t contribute to an entity making massive profits.

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