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Blowing It Scenario #88-Using Atrocities As A Catalyst For Anger.

Don’t Let What Happens To Another Negatively Effect The Way You Treat Individuals.

All to often we’ll hear in the news about something negative that recently happened. Excessive police force, mass shootings, racial violence, racial profiling. These are all terrible actions and should be abolished from the general psyche but they do happen. And we’ll take these actions of a few, place them into a whole encompassing category, we’ll gather every one who’s ever been part of the system and we’ll lump them into one sum meaning. That the whole system is corrupt. Than we’ll create these group hate attacks on that system.

Only small sects of society does this but it’s highly toxic and nobody wins. Police brutality, hate the police, mass shootings, hate gun supporters, racial violence, hate the race the contributed to it, racial profiling hate the businesses and the people that perpetrated the incident. But in some cases the distinguished among us allow us an opportunity to learn from others actions and not only grow from them. They help to better society while they are at it.

This is exactly what happened when two black men were arrested in a Starbucks coffee shop just for being in there. They broke no laws and were minding their own business yet they were arrested and it was national news. Many would usually protest or call for a boycott. However, did these two gentlemen make a big scene and tell the world how unjust it is? Nope, wanted other to learn from the incident so they simply settled with the state for one whole dollar each and ask $200,000 to be donated to help high school students to develop entrepreneurial skills. And what did Starbucks do, they shut down all locations for a day to train their staff on compassionate interaction with individuals.

So many more benefited from this peaceful demonstration, then the usual go to of anger resentment and frustration of the disenfranchised. We need to encourage more actions like the ones these two gentleman displayed and have society operate with an eye for improvement especially when it seem all hope has faded.

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Blowing It Scenario #78-Freedom Of Speech Ceases When Money Is On The Line.

Freedom Of Speech Is Part Of The Constitution But Not Necessarily A Good Thing When Practiced In Business.

It could end up being the catalyst to set your entire world crumbling down. Recently, soon after the passing of the former first lady Barbara Bush, a Fresno State professor tweeted a message calling the former first lady and first mother a racist saying “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F*** outta here with your nice words,” and concluded with “I’m happy the witch is dead. Can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million Iraqis have.” This professor has every right in the world to say this and I’ll defend everyone’s right to do the same. This whole website is an act of free speech. We exercise these rights daily.

However in this case, this is quite the tasteless act. It’s this spit on the grave mentality, that’s slightly appalling. Respect those who are mourning the loss, any loss for that matter, respect the recently deceased.  How is this women who made these remarks even a professor? Is she a professor in hate speak? I do understand her frustrations though, the bush family were not saints. But their is a time and a place for venting those frustrations and right after a death is not the best time. That is unless you are trying to draw negative publicity to yourself and your business you operate under. Now donors of Fresno State are considering no longer making contributions to the school. Money will force the school to act counterintuitive to freedom of speech.

That is often the case in our society we vote with our dollars. The brands you buy, the institutions you donate to, the businesses you frequent, are all votes with your dollars. It will be interesting to see how Fresno State handles this situation since some of their voters are voting against this professor by withholding their checkbooks. Yet the professor has tenure so the school will be between a rock and a hard place. Another risky status a business to give another, is that of tenure. Giving them the right to do whatever they want without ever being fired. It’s a lot of trust and you can only hope those with it don’t betray that trust. I’m sure it will all get sorted and brushed under the rug some way or another. Just know one event, one action, one tweet, even if you’re exercising your right to free speech, can send a cascade of events crashing into to you or down around you. Make sure that cascade is a positive one. Because you can gain so much, or lose it all, in just the blink of an eye.

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Blowing It Scenario #71-Blow Drying Your Hands In Public Bathrooms.

Blowing It By Blow Drying Hands.

Oh what joy, imagine you just relieved yourself of a full bladder that you had been holding in all day, what sweet relief. And now you kindly do the right thing by washing your hands thoroughly before departing the restroom and returning to regularly scheduled activities. Warm water caresses your hands, as your gingerly rub anti bacterial soap through all the nooks and crannies from finger tips to wrist, nothing escapes your purview. As you depart this joyous bath your hands and fingers are receiving, you’re left with a choice.

Do you dry your wet dripping hands in the hand dryer? Or do just shake the water droplets loose and wick of the remaining moisture on your pant leg? Well if you chose option one, your in for a treat. A treat where you’ll receive many potentially unwanted gifts in the process. As you place your hands under the powerful hot air, unbeknownst to you, and invisible to the naked eye. But as that hot air blast the water free from your hands, that very same hot air is now showering in a cornucopia of fecal matter and since it’s a public restroom you could probably be certain 99.9% of this lovely shower is foreign poo particles, all dancing there way over your entire body.

This is what a recent study has found conducted at the University of Connecticut, they placed bacteria collecting plates throughout 36 different restroom facilities on campus, fired up the blow dryers and let the good times roll. With hand dryers on, the plates collected 18 to 60 bacterial colonies, by contrast when blow dryers were off, the plates in regular bathroom air only collected one colony total. I don’t know about you but that is sufficient enough evidence to drop the use of air dryers all together and deal with the repercussion of having some damp pant legs for a few minutes. Who really know how clean pants are either though. Maybe just opt for paper towels and if their are none maybe just naturally let the regular old air dry those sopping wet hands of yours. Certainly this method will happen sometimes painfully slow but it beats the heck out of the body blasting poop shower alternative that you could be receiving.

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Blowing It Scenario #69-Our Throw Away Culture.

A Failure Of Happiness, Love, Relationships, You Name It, We Throw It Out.

I seriously can’t believe how much we throw out and we do it at such a velocity with so much ease. I’m not talking about just the weekly garbage pick up either, although we do throw out a lot there too. I’m talking about life in general. We are consistently trained through media, entertainment, and through our friends, and family. The message is constantly bombarded on us through our phones and tablets, that your life might suck and it can be so much better if you just buy this or invest in that. We’re like Pavlov’s dogs trained to salivate at the promise of greener pastures just over the horizon. All the while we fail to truly appreciate what we have.

We tend to love what we have for a brief moment in time and once that moment has faded, we eagerly jump to the next thing that will arouse our fleeting desires. We love our home’s for a few years than we become discontent with it, the floor plan sucks, the bathroom isn’t big enough, we need to redo the kitchen, and after all that’s done, it’s still not enough. So we’ll throw it out and hope to get something better. We’ll find what we think to be the love of our lives and when things don’t go our way, instead of working on it, we’ll throw that relationship out. It’s no wonder we have over a 50% divorce rate. I believe that will continue to increase, like I said we are trained to want more every day. We go on dates and if it’s not absolutely perfect, we’ll throw that potential suitor out. On dating apps you literally practice throwing away real people, in real time. It may not feel that way, you’re just swiping at photo’s, but you are the judge, jury, and executioner and you do it all by judging that book by it’s cover, or in this case a persons face and body. And yet we can’t figure out why these relationships hardly ever work out. Well it’s because before the date has even taken place, you’ve already treated everyone else like garbage people. Casting them out before ever even knowing them. The phones we buy purposeful burn out there own batteries after two years of use. Just so you have to throw that one out and buy a new fancier higher priced one. A tool breaks or an appliance stops working we throw it out with no attempt to repair. We’ll order too much food at dinner and when we’re unable to finish, those extras will find their way to the trash heap. Our clothes get worn or dated, so it’s on to a new wardrobe. Everything has become so easily expendable. It’s obvious why some people are disengaged, dissatisfied and fed up.

There is a lesson on happiness in stoic philosophy that says if you want to be happier, than you simply have to lower your expectations. I believe that to be true in the material world and when relying on others, because others fall outside of our realm of control. I’m not advocating giving up either. In “Flow”the famous work by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi he states that happiness lies in progress, something we fully control within ourselves, too much too fast is not always good from a happiness prospective. It’s much higher stress. You can be a Steve Jobs or a Elon Musk but you’ll have to sacrifice an insane amount to achieve those results, including some happiness. Mihaly says the sweet spot of progress and happiness is getting 4% better and any given productive task. It’s the reason some can stay up all night playing games with others or when building something new and in doing so, you completely lose track of time. It’s because you’re in a state of flow, you are making incrementally improved progress. Challenging yourself to deliberately get a little better each time out. And the rewards are often amazing. It’s the similar to the Kaizen principles where you try to achieve 1% growth with each practice. So continually try to improve yourself and you’re life will automatically improve around you. Just be content with what you have in the process. Life is good, be thankful.

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Blowing It Scenario #64-Believing Your Own Hype.

Don’t Believe The Hype.

In the age where everything is posted on the internet, we can find information on just about every subject matter that will either fully support our beliefs or fully disprove them. Yet we buy into these beliefs so fervently that we sometimes refuse to see other people’s truths. Doesn’t matter what it is, you could believe the world is flat and aliens live among us. And you could find “facts” and data to support this hypothesis. It’s just how we interpret the world that tells us that’s right or wrong. But don’t allow yourself to get so polarized in your views that you create a prison of belief around you.

Beliefs are good to have, stay strong in them, but also be pliable in your belief systems. I had a professor in college once demonstrate the power of polarizing beliefs in class one day. Without any of us knowing, not even the poor girl who became the test subject that day. He began engaging her in a topic most get very polarized in, religion. It started out nice and seemed well intended at first, asking niceties about her religious background but as he began to disagree with her beliefs and started to break them down. Cracks began to show, dissension arose and a full out screaming match developed in front of us (the teacher never rose his voice) her relationship with that teacher became forever fractured, never to recover. That was the last day we ever saw that girl in class, she dropped it the next day. But if she could have stayed open and excepting to others beliefs even though he doesn’t share the same views. She could have learned one of the most valuable lessons in interacting with others. That we can never change another person’s beliefs until we can see it from their perspective. When we accept that their truth is also just as valid. We than, and only then can begin to suggest other possible truths.

We don’t always have all the answers. I especially don’t, I write everyday about beliefs but I want these beliefs to be challenged. We need to simply be students of the world, learning as much as we possibly can from better educated then ourselves and passing on the knowledge we have gained. Right or wrong I stay flexible and if better information comes along I had previously missed. I’m surely going to listen and develop my own new conclusions. Just please stay open to all possibilities, poor world views along with opposing views can start wars between friends and family and world leaders. Some that may never heal. Try not to simply just believe your own hype, take others into account too.

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Blowing It Scenario #63-Chastising Tattle Tales.

We Should Encourage Children To Tattle More.

We have all heard it so many times, parents will tell their children don’t be a tattle tale. No one likes a tattle tale. Or we’ll have fun colloquial phrases like, “snitches get stitches,” or “don’t be rat.” These ideas are reinforced in our mind through movies and television. Snitches really do get hurt and rats are killed every time you watch any gangster movie. So if you are raising your child to be successful in criminal activity or a gangster, definitely teach them to not to say something when they think another is doing wrong.

Children have an innate sense of right and wrong often better than that of the adult who cares for them and protects them. We should nurture their desire to share even if it means they sometimes won’t win approval, or they have to alienate another. And I get it kids will have absolutely annoying and pointless grips from time to time, but if we leave those unacknowledged or tell them to not tell on another. There just might come a time when major stuff happens to them, or around them, that they will be too afraid to come forward with. And they will avoid coming to the person they are supposed to trust most with these secrets. They’ll then begin to harbor these things in quiet solitude. Confined to the prison of their thoughts. And once in that state, there might begin a whole different slew of poor ways these secrets might manifest themselves throughout the rest of their lives. They could become reclusive, spiteful, hateful, addictive, abusive towards themselves and others, self destructive. The list goes on and on. All because they were too afraid confide in another. Because we built up barriers in their younger years by telling them falsehoods about sharing information. And those barriers became too insurmountable and it made them too afraid to speak out.

I’m not saying this is always the case and bad things don’t always happen to good kids that choose not to tell on another. But wouldn’t you rather have an open line of communication that knows no bounds? A relationship where trust is paramount and those kids know they can come to you with anything and you will listen? Kids are always going to tattle, listen and be rewarded. Close them off and they’ll begin to learn withholding is the best answer to their problems.

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Blowing It Scenario #52-The Massive Failure Of Parents With Multiple Hate Filled Children

At What Point Do You Arrest The Parents For Crimes Against Humanity That Their Children Carry Out?

I wish there was such a point, their is not. Look, sometime parents just draw the short straw and end up with a nightmare of a child through no fault of their own. Then their are other times when the parents simply created the monster. With their indoctrination of hate filled speech constantly resonating throughout the house. Usually a parent can play it off if they have only the one demon spawn. They’ll say something like, “I didn’t know he was like this, he never displayed this type of animosity before.” Or we did everything we could to raise him right. Other times you know the parents are fully at fault. That seems to be the case in the Roof household.

What kind of psychopath walks into a church of another race, sits down with the fellow church goers, gun in hand, talks briefly with the loving group and then proceeds to kill every single person in the room. Then fast forward to today where the sister of this individual takes to social media to actively insult the same people of the opposite race. Then roots for those people to be shot and killed for walking out of school to protest the very weapon her brother used to ruthlessly, cowardly, unapologetically kill multiple people. Then she is caught with weapons herself.

At what point do we finally point the finger at the parents and say this is your doing? You need to pay for these crimes. It’s really too bad we couldn’t remove those children from that environment long before the damage was done. That’s simply not how the system works. Bad parents go unpunished all the time and their children are left to carry on their hate and unrealized negative potential. If you see a kid struggling, help them, maybe the home they live in isn’t conducive to growth. And just maybe we can catch it before it’s too late. It’s not all a loss for those poor children who grow in such a place. Their are still great teachers and educators out there that care about the kids, even when now one else does. Hopefully they can be a guiding light in those darkest households.

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