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Believing Time Travel To The Past Is Possible.

Time Travel Absolutely Can Not, Will Not, Has Not Ever Existed Or Will Ever Be Invented.

Sorry to have to be the one to destroy all science fiction movies, shows and books on the subject for over a millennia but this has to be addressed. And when you reach the end of this article, the rationale will leave you more inspired than anything time travel has to offer. This is not an argument for or against quantum theory or wormholes or anything scientific about the current understanding of time travel. We always think of time as a linear thing, of very pinpoint, direct causalities but it’s in fact infinitely exponential where everything affects everything else. And the simple truth of the matter is time only moves in one direction and always will. Which is the way natural laws protect us from ourselves.

In order to explain this best, I have to use an old example. In this thought experiment, we’ll theoretically go back in time from your existence. First, let’s get into an agreement. Would you agree with me that you have two parents a mother and a father? They don’t have to be good parents or in your life currently but did it not take two humans to create you? One male and one female? Yes? Ok good, we’ll start there. And for your parents, did they also need two individual parents to begin their lives, your grandparents? So your mom had two parents, and your dad had two parents. So four grandparents for you in total at this point. Now if we keep doing that every generation doubles the previous. 2 becomes 4. 4 becomes 8. 8 becomes 16. 32 then 64 then 128 and so on. And this pattern continues back through time. At that rate, it only takes 30 generations to reach 1 billion great (to the power of 30) grandparents. Let’s say the average age of having children is 25. So with that rough average, 30 times 25 is only 750. Theoretically, in this example by the time we reach 750 years ago you will have had 1 billion grandparents in that time.

On top of that, they say the odds of you even being born is 1 in 400 trillion. That means every single one of those billion great-grandparents had the same odds. That is simply astronomical to fathom. Babies, although they make it seem easy to have in movies are incredibly difficult to bring into the world. First, you need that second person, which, all meetings throughout life are about timing and chance. Miss the bus, late for coffee, stuck in traffic. Anything and everything, all of it has a ripple effect that over time grows into a tsunami of change for future events. With just a bump, or a smell, or a conversation, all of it can knock you off any given trajectory and you might miss out on that chance encounter that could lead to finding that partner. Or that delay could lead to meeting them in the first place. Even still the web of encounters we have on a daily basis are constantly changing our timelines and in turn we change the timelines of everyone we interact with around us as well. Just reading this article is changing yours now. And nothing is passive either, ideas change decision-making down the road as well. So back to birth, once you find that other person, again your timing is everything the “right” sperm has to reach the “right” egg at the perfect moment in time. Ovulation the small window of time a woman can get pregnant every month is at best only 5 days out of the month but usually only 2 to 3 days. Miss that window the child doesn’t exist and its on to the next month and a totally different child. Then out of the billions of sperm only one reaches the egg which dictates so many traits that child has for life. That means temperature, diet, moisture and again most importantly timing all play a role. Any difference in that sequence, you could have a boy instead of a girl, a child who is unhealthy as opposed to a healthy one. Everything contributes to everything else. The resources that we all need to grow, come from the universe around us. So we’re always borrowing and exchanging with plants, animals and other people alike. Right down to the molecules of water, oxygen, carbon etc. all are burrowed and that which is in use can’t be taken in by another. So in effect, we share what we need to survive.

But here’s where it starts to get really cool. Since everything is so interconnected, we are literally changing the world with every step we take. You don’t have to be a titan of industry, or a Bill Gates to change the world. Simply walking, or driving, or talking with a friend is doing it. Some things seem more profound and have a greater impact in your life, some that you can see it in real-time for instance. Like if your significant other breaks up with you but you go out and meet the person of your dreams and have a beautiful family or even a miscarriage that eventually leads the next healthy beautiful child you might have. That child wouldn’t exist without the previous loss and that family wouldn’t happen without the breakup. So you literally have to give thanks to that breakup or the bad things that happen along the way to the good because without it the life you have wouldn’t exist.

It’s such a great concept in life. We are constantly experiencing peaks and valleys. Great times and hard times. But when your standing on the peak you have to look back and thank the valley, for had it not happened you would be on a completely different path and not on that particular peak. Birth and the life it gives is the ultimate peak, so just the same as with your own life, you have to look back through time and be grateful for all the peaks and valleys throughout history because they all contributed to your existence. Earthquakes, famine, atrocities, victories, defeats, wars, celebrations, births, and deaths. Everything contributed to all those perfectly timed chance encounters and if you try to move one single card in this giant house of cards the world as we know it, doesn’t exist, you don’t exist. So back to time travel. If you had this mythical time travel machine and went back 750 years and you simply bumped into one other person and you slightly alter their timeline that day. That small act compounds massively over time. And just by going back in time you effectively remove yourself from existence, so you never are around to actually go back in time. As a quick example say that small bump makes them slightly late to dinner and upsets the man’s wife who decides they don’t share the bed that evening. So the child they might have had doesn’t happen that night. and every single encounter that child had and the connections they made and the relationships they had and influenced don’t happen and the snowball builds and builds till you rearranged the entire world. You simply can not remove or mess with anything in time because it is all interconnected.

Not Celebrating Our Birthdays.

Celebration Of Our Birthday's

We should Always Celebrate Our Birthdays No Matter How Small The Celebration May Be.

Celebration Of Our Birthday's
Celebration Of Our Birthday’s

It just so happens to be my birthday today. And for the past several years I haven’t put too much emphasis on the day. I always told myself when you get to a certain age birthdays are no longer important. Something for children but not full-grown adults. Recently I realized how wrong that thinking was. We should celebrate our birthdays to the fullest each and every year. Shout it from the rooftops or have a quiet meditation about it. Just don’t let it slip past without being thankful for it.

We need to be thankful for this gift of another year on this earth. It helps to be thankful for each and every day. But on your birthday it’s special, another milestone hit in the miracle that is you. Think of how astronomically impossible it is for you to even have this gift of life, gift of existence. The confluence of so many chance encounters. It’s like hitting the lottery jackpot hundreds of times. First your parents needed to be born at just the perfect times for them to be able to meet. And same with your parent’s parent’s and so on down the line.

Winning The Many Lottery’s Of Creation.

On top of that, they needed to actually meet. And with billions of people living on this planet that is mind-boggling in and of itself. Perfect place, perfect time. Then they must take the actual actions for creation on the exact day of the exact month where you were conceived. That’s when the true luck of your life happened. It had to be the exact month of all history. One month before you don’t exist, one month after, the same thing, you never come to be. Then out of the millions of sperm cells, just one special one makes it to your mother’s ovum and gives life to you. If the wrong one gets there sooner you may not have the life you have. Then months of growth within your mother. Ideally in good health.

Then with each passing year, hundreds, if not thousands help to ensure your survival. From the parents to the teachers and babysitters. From the food supply systems and water distribution networks that give you easy access to nutrition and water. To the builders and family that puts a roof over your head. We are given so many gifts along the way that when we reach a milestone like that of our birthdays we must jump for joy. For we have been blessed with yet another year on this planet. So I say Happy Birthday to all, enjoy your special day.

The Idiocy In The Statement Those Who Can’t Do Teach. How To Not Blow It #257

Those who can't do teach

It’s A Ridiculous Thing To Insinuate. Those Who Can’t Do Teach.

How in the world do you think those that “do” ever learned how to achieve their results? They were taught it. The teacher, the coach, the mentor, authors, they are the most important pieces to success of the doer. If anything those who teach know more on the subject than anyone they are teaching. There is absolutely no validity to saying those who can’t do teach.

Those who can't do teach
Photo by Kristina Paparo on Unsplash

Often those who “do” it best. Those who had the benefit of learning from the greatest teachers. It’s those students who later go on to becoming some of the best teachers themselves. They mentor those who come after them, to give back.

Knowledge is passed down generation to generation. Teaching is a passion and a gift. Never bite the hand that feeds you with statements like these.

Throughout history we have always had systems of master and apprentice. Often the master is doing and teaching and that is how most teachers came to be. They were doers first and intricately studied that which they teach.

We Should Be So Lucky To Be Blessed With A Good Teacher.

As the saying goes when the student is ready the teacher will appear. They are of utmost importance.

The only place those who can’t do teach has any relevancy is in sports. Where physical attributes may not have blessed upon the teacher. And or they have aged beyond their prime. Yet they know the ins and outs of the sport they teach far better then any person on the field.

It’s a Complete Asinine Statement To Say Those Who Can’t Do Teach.

Not really sure who in the world it ever got started. A better statement is, those who can’t do and never want to learn use statements like that those who can’t do teach.

Thank your teachers, never put them down. Never diminish their achievements. For they often know far more then you in whatever area you may be insulting them in.

Hiding Our Flaws. Avoiding Blowing It #238.


Say It, Show It, Love It. Never Hide From Your Flaws. They Make You Uniquely You.

Trying to be perfect all the time is an unnecessary stress that causes anxiety. It’s a mental health issue. How wonderful would it be if we were all a little more excepting of ourselves, flaws and all? If you think you have a flaw in some area, immerse yourself in exposing that area and banishing that concern.

Poor writer? start a blog. I did. Think you’re not gorgeous without make up. Go without it till your comfortable. Worried about flaws on your body take sexy photos, get naked more often. Go to a nude beach or public nude event where no one knows you or cares about your any of your “flaws.” A place where they’re exposing all of theirs as well. Chances are you’re the only person that sees it as a flaw. You can be liberated for your fears and worries. Character flaw? Change it if it’s problematic to others, if not, accept it. It’s part of you.


Some things you can change but it’s far more healthy to simply enjoy what you have. Sometimes you just have to let your freak flag fly loud and proud. Remember to not intrude on others when you do. Someone somewhere will always be offended by one thing or another. So if you come across those steer clear and find more supportive groups. Just enjoy your gifts no matter how quirky or different to some they might be. Be grateful for them.

Contradictory Gratitude #204.

Gratitude with an Asterisks, Most of Us Are Doing It All Wrong.

There is an oversight to gratitude that we often go without seeing and that is our living contradictions to that of which we are grateful for. If you say I’m grateful for water, it’s a nourishment to life, it keeps me alive and well hydrated it makes the world a beautiful place. And then in turn you curse the rain for ruining your day or getting your hair wet. Then that becomes an immediate a contradiction to your gratitude. There are so many examples of this; thankful for the sun, it helps all the plants grow and the plants in turn feed us and contribute to earth’s beauty but then you complain about the heat or the over growth of trees in your yard, it conflicts with what you might say you’re grateful for.

Maybe you say to yourself that you’re grateful for your spouse, but than in turn, certain things about them you just can’t stand, that’s another conflict of interest. You are not thankful for them as a whole. You might be grateful for income but loath people who have even greater wealth than you. With that, you are directly going against the gratitude tide and it will hurt you especially if you want to get ahead yourself.

Differences In Gratitude.

Yes these are generalizations of a broad spectrum but that’s just the thing gratitude and disdain don’t live in the same realm. You’re either grateful for the entire array, or not. You may try to break it down to just it’s parts. But when it’s just the parts, you understand, you are not expressing true gratitude, gratitude as a whole. And that is where we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Picking and choosing some of what make things special to us is a losing battle. One that can eventually overwhelm your gratitude. Does this sound better I’m thankful for my spouse’s humor and affection but all the rest not so much? How long could that possibly last? What happens when they are not being funny or affectionate? That’s what we do when we break it down to the sum of its parts, we’re not truly grateful. We’re trying to play both sides of the coin and eventually it’s going to land on just one side. Be thankful for all that you have and all that comes with it.


How I Practice Gratitude.

Thank you to the creators of all things and the energy in everything. Thank you for the sun and the trees for the water and the air I breathe. Thank you for all that I have and all that I’ll receive. Then go on to list all the immediate things you are grateful in your life currently. This is a great way to start every morning. Gratitude is powerful.

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Ungrateful, Lack Of Gratitude (Blowing It Scenario #122)

Be Thankful For What You Have.

Sometimes this can be strewn as complacency. We sometimes believe if we’re not striving to obtain more we’re too complacent. We’re taught to want more and in that state of desire for more we can lose sight of the gratitude for what we already have. Complexity can sometimes breed contempt while simplicity can often breed a sense of gratitude for what little we may have. Shed your layers down to essentials and when you do so you’ll find you have more gratitude for what you already have. Air in your lungs, a working heart and mind, freely available water, edible vegetation that also produces that air we breathe, sun and the rain fall that nourishes us and our vegetation, people close to us, friends, family and loved ones, and the love and generosity they show to us. Any form of shelter that can protect you from the elements should suffice for gratitude. Be sure to let all things know you are grateful for them. Yes even the inanimate objects. this is more for you, and less for them obviously. It demonstrates you are thankful for all things. It’s often those who grow up with the least that are so grateful for the littlest things.

Most self help “gurus” will suggest you focus on what your grateful for a few minutes in the morning. Than right afterwards they’ll have you focus on what you want you to achieve. The big house and fancy car maybe you own a jet in this fantasy and you travel the world all without ever really visualizing doing any real work for others. It’s so contradictory to gratitude it’s a baffling oversight of self help. This very action of visualization will naturally create and harbor some form of contempt for your current life. And if you’re ungrateful now what makes you think that will change when you have all the toys in the world? The mansions, the Bentley’s, the yacht, the Gulfstream. You won’t be more grateful, you’ll just continue to want more.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to strive for more. But instead of making it selfish desire, why not be grateful for all that you currently have and than work towards making people’s lives around you better. Give others a reason to be grateful and in doing so you’ll grow organically and each step along the way you’ll be grateful for all that you have and all that you receive.

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