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Over Catering To Consumers. Avoiding Failure #236.

Over Catering To Consumers

The Customer Is Not Always Right. And We Need To Stop Over Catering To Consumers. For All Our Long Term Benefit.

When you have the Walmart’s and Amazon’s and The Uber’s and Lyft’s of this world over catering to consumers. It creates a distorted understanding of the true cost it takes to get products or services into our hands. Same goes for our food supply and large monopolistic suppliers. Small farmers are dropping like flies under mountains of debt because the pricing structure is far too skewed for them to survive.

When you only have a dominant few supplying all of our goods and services. Who are able to off set loses by borrowing billions of dollars. And who are able to pass on a price far below true market value in order to stomp out competition. It shifts the balance from the many to the few who have that access. And since this is the current model you have everyone bending over backwards to appease the consumers needs at a near loss and sometimes a loss to themselves. Instead of competing to create the most value we’re instead competing for losses. At the cost of the smaller business who actually has to pay true value for their offerings.

Over Catering To Consumers
Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Sure we as consumers are passed the saving in some of our groceries and products and services we use. And getting anything has never been more convenient. We can argue that this is a good thing, we as consumers are winning but are we really? We don’t take into account cost of living has increased ten fold so we need the products we consume at the lowest possible rate.

What is the cost of that convenience? If a large company gouges its suppliers only to pass the the savings to the consumer. The producers will eventually stop producing. If cost of goods is below what it takes to get those goods into your hands there is a fundamental flaw in economic model. Quality suffers and only the small few own the market. Yet we’re all still in this race to lower. Big business needs to stop selling 100 dollar bills at 50 dollars a piece and price accordingly.

Is The Amazon Economic Model Destroying The Fabric Of Our Society? Avoiding Failure #230.


Amazon And The Tech World Are Fundamentally Changing How We Operate As A Society.

Depending on what edge of the financial spectrum you fall on. It could have great benefits or substantial cost. We see it all over the major cities along the West Coast. As software companies take over an area. Housing cost become astronomically high. And as mid range jobs can no longer afford to keep up with the pricing increases, homeless rates rise. And only the top earners can afford to live in the area. Yet even they still work hard for mediocre dwellings.


Amazon has created this microcosm of economics. Where they have employees earning top 1% wages. While other employees barely scrape by at near poverty wages in dystopic work environments. All the while trying to cohabitate in the same living quarters.

Trade Borders.

Years ago economics were controlled by trade borders. A shoe was manufactured in another country. Those workers were paid a living wage for their general economic output for that locale. Prices were low because cost of living was drastically lower then that of the consumer nations. Phil Knight the president of Nike once said he’d love to pay third world employees better but it would wreck havoc on the local economy.

Yet here we are trying too make it all work in tiny cities. Where a few blocks can mean the difference between million dollar earners to those living in tents. If you’re part of the software side you earn well if you’re part of the distribution side you’re living close to poverty. All so we can get everything delivered for free.

Which is another economical disaster waiting to happen. Amazon has to be taking a loss in delivery cost. All in order to stomp out competition. Competition that might be paying their employees appropriately and not exploiting workers that simply need a job to live. They also stomp out competition within their product selection and create algorithms to drive sales to amazon only products.

Are Our Taxes Subsidizing Free Delivery?

Amazon pays nearly zero corporate taxes. Tax payers foot the bill to have this economical hurricane come to gentrify their city. Only to find out later it throws everything out of whack. But hey, people have jobs right? Even if its soul crushing and barely earning a living wage.

That being said, Amazon is a great tool and the benefits are plenty. And if you can get on the high side of the industry. Use you mind rather then your body. We also just need to make sure we don’t give them all the keys to the castle.

Paying Extra For Water With A Tea Bag. Avoiding Failure #228


Purchasing Tea At A Cafe. Where Common Sense And Capitalism Clash.

Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

I completely understand the concept of charging more for the enjoyment of more. Tea is an interesting category though. If you order it at most any cafe you are presented with a choice paradox. On the one hand they charge more for each increasing size. I suppose the idea is you’re getting more of that beverage which you enjoy. So the cost justifies the action. But on the other, you still only need one tea bag for every size there is and water is essentially free. It may cost a fraction of a cent but no company charges for a glass of water.

So the company charging increasing amounts for increasing volumes pays the exact same amount no matter the size. It’s possible that larger cups cost slightly more but I can’t imagine its much. Why isn’t this cost transferred to the guest? All we should pay is the one tea bag fee and whatever minimal cost for the cup and water.

As a matter of fact it should just be one fee no matter the size. Yet here we are paying nearly a dollar more for a few extra ounces of hot water. It’s a conundrum that as a consumer I can’t quite wrap my head around. But as a business owner it makes perfect sense. Maybe I’ll find a cafe that charges this way and only frequent that place. Than again maybe there are not many because they don’t make as much money as the rest.

Purchasing A Peloton Or It’s Stock #223.


For The Price Of A Used Vehicle You Can Own A Peloton Stationary Bicycle.

Never did I think I would see the day where someone would attach a tablet to a stationary bike then charge to watch Youtube bicycle training videos. But here we are. And the total cost for such an apparatus. Anywhere between $2200 and $4000. It’s $4000 if you want to walk in place on a treadmill while watching your tablet. Add in another $39 per month if you want access to your videos. Now this company has gone public and Peloton is worth over a billion dollars somehow.

This Is Ludicrous.

I’ll save about $2090 plus monthly membership fees right now. First, head down to your local thrift store and purchase one of the many discarded stationary bicycles they have on hand. Usually for around $10. Because nearly everyone that buys one of these things eventually just gives it away, or it sits collecting dust.

Then hop on the internet or go to an electronics store and buy a cheap $100 tablet. Lastly look up free Youtube videos of bike rides, walks, or workouts. Whatever you’re looking to accomplish.

And their you have it, you just saved a couple thousand on what would eventually end up as junk anyway. And here’s the beauty, you can take that tablet anywhere. It’s versatile, it’s not screwed to a bike that never moves forward.

Another Alternative

Is don’t buy any of it. If you already have a gym membership. Which is usually less than what Peloton charges to watch their videos. Than just use their equipment and never have to own any of it.

Lastly And This Might Be The Craziest Idea Of All.

Photo by Timotheus Fröbel on Unsplash

Get yourself a real freaking bike and go outside and ride it. I know the thought of getting outside in nature and actually riding a bike that has two wheels and propels you towards a destination can be scary. But think of the alternative. You could be stuck at home, peddling your feet and watching a screen on a $2000 appliance that never goes anywhere.

Either way Peloton is doing something right, because I’m sitting here writing critiques. While they’re making millions and are valued in the billions. So if you want one and you have the money to throw at it. By all means do it. Just remember when it begins to collect dust, I gave you an alternative.

Company Stealing From Employees #216.

Stealing from employees

If A Patron Tips Someone That Is For That Individual’s Services. If A Company Takes It. That Is The Company Stealing From Employees.

Or in the case of door dash stealing from independent contractors. Door dash is literally stealing from employees. By keeping a portion of the tips that customers think are going to the driver. The driver that just spent his own time, energy, and gas. In order to go to a restaurant or store, park their vehicle, walk in, sometimes wait extra time for the order to ready. Than gingerly drive said order to the patrons house which could be many miles away. The time in which that takes could approach upwards of an hour.

This whole service somehow cost under 5 dollars. There is absolutely no way that driver has earned any income whatsoever. They may in fact be in the negative. The only way to negate this negative monetary state. Is with the hopes the patron understands all that went into bringing them that order. And they reward the driver with a tip. Or at least they think it goes to the driver.

Door Dashes Policy Was To Skim A Percentage Of The Tips Paid To Drivers.

In order to increase their business. A blatant theft of both consumer and employee.

As a consumer, most tip for service and we expect that tip to go 100% to the person who facilitated that service. Not the company. When we pay for meals the business has already accounted for profit. We are not tipping to add to that profit. We are tipping the person barely getting by on the earnings provided by that employer. The fact that we even tip is still an allocation to the company. We are outsourcing the responsibility of wages to the patrons.

To Insure Promptness.

Stealing from employees
Photo by Sam Truong Dan on Unsplash

This is the true meaning of the word tip. Originally you gave a tip at the beginning of service with the expectation the server would be prompt with their service. Which is already a given, it’s part of their job. So tipping turned into exceptional services rendered. Than from there it became customary to leave something to all assistance. Meanwhile employers could begin paying employees less. Because income was than covered by the people receiving the already mandated services provided regardless of tip.

We Have Now Taken This To The Extreme.

Where some people in the service industry work off tips alone. Which is ludicrous. Tips aren’t a guarantee. No one should ever have to work for another and than be forced to beg many others for spare change as their income. A tip should always be in addition to salary, not salary itself. And if ever we find a company stealing from employees like this. It should be charged as what it is. Theft.

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Big Pharma Disinformation Campaigns, Funding Denial Studies #206.


Businesses Like Big Pharma Uses This Tactic All The Time To Derail Opposition And Insure The Bottom Line. At The Expense Of The Individuals.

Oil companies will fund climate change denial data, Food companies will fund FDA reports with misinformation. Chemical companies will deny adverse health effects upon ecology and biology. And pharma companies will use case studies to deter you from using any product outside of what they’re selling. Especially if it comes from a natural easy to afford source.

Big Pharma Studies.

A study recently came out in a pharmacological journal. Notice the word pharma in there? Do you think they might be in support of a natural herbal remedy? They’re probably going to have ulterior motives. The article talked of the dangers of Kratom. An opioid alternative, that has helped innumerous amounts of people who were once addicted to pain killers kick their dependency. And this study had the gall to list a whopping four deaths have occurred while using this herbal plant supplement. Not knowing what else could have contributed to those deaths. Only four! Hell energy drinks cause more deaths.

Opioid Deaths.

Pharma Photo

How many lives have opioids taken just in the last year alone? 71,073 according to a recent survey. Four isn’t looking half bad after all for an alternative to pain mitigation. Furthermore, people are using Kratom to kick the habit of a drug that doctors and big pharma got them hooked on in the first place. And because it’s not classified as a class of drug, pharma can’t get their dirty hands on it and it can not be regulated by the food and drug administration. People can simply buy it at their local convenience store. Helping so many and possibly taking a profit away from pharma
in the process.

What We Can Do.

We always have to question what’s there to gain by a large corporation putting out a study with misinformation. Do you think they are actually looking out for the well-being of the people? Or might there be some form of financial motive involved? If they can prove something that sways supporters to their line of thinking. Than they can control the paradigm and I believe that is always the goal. Take these studies for what they are propaganda to push their own agenda.

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Selling A Plane That Crashes #186.

Plane In Flight

A Second Boeing 737-Max 8 Plane Has Crashed, Killing All On Board. It Seems Highly Likely It’s The Same Scenario As The First Crash.

Yet, the brand new Boeing 737-Max 8 has two to it’s name in so many months. And from the sound of it it might be the exact same problem that took the first plane down, happened to the second. It’s a bit scary when it’s not strictly operator error we have to worry about. The human element of aviation has been quite efficiently tuned to correct mistakes. But what happens when it’s a mechanical malfunction on a brand new plane that effectively forces the plane into a crash? Human correction might not have the tools to counter the effects of a doomed machine.

Flying Plane
Plane In Flight

What Should They Do With This Plane?

If I’m Boeing I would pull ever single one of the new jets out of service, have my very best engineers work out the problems, correct every single jet, change the name of the new corrected jet. For me if I see 737-max 8 painted on the side of a jet I’m flying on, I’m reluctant to board that flight.

Boeing Created This New Efficient, Albeit Problematic Plane.

This is a Boeing problem and that is highly concerning because they haven’t much competition when it comes to manufacturing aircrafts. The purchaser of the planes can’t simply go elsewhere for a better model. They have to hope and trust that the plane they bought. The one that left the factory brand new, that new plane is going to be in good working order when they start flying passengers all over the world. And if it isn’t, it should never leave the factory. If it’s not in perfect working condition, don’t ship. Many more test need to be done, this plane is not air ready. All planes should be grounded until further repair. However Boeing wouldn’t be a 100 plus year company if it didn’t correct it’s failures. This failure will most likely make aviation even safer in the end.

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Legality Of Soliciting Sex #184.

Sex Workers

Is Paying For Sex A Morality Law Or Is It A Financial Law?

Early this week it was discovered that Robert Kraft the owner of the New England Patriots allegedly engaged and paid for sex acts at an illegal prostitution spa in Florida. Part of a month long investigation led by the police. They caught him on video tape engaging in these acts. Now if were him I would take full ownership of my actions. I’d tell the world yes I did it, I’m a 77 year old widower who doesn’t have much time left on Earth I have a lot of money, which means most of my relationships are superficial. I just want the comfort of a woman without her wanting anything more from me. I don’t condone his actions but I do question why they have to be illegal.

Sex Worker
Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

People Need Touch.

It is my hope that it is a law designed to help people. Maybe save them from their own moral failings, if you can even call it that. I’m not sure soliciting sex is a failing. Just society deems it so. People need love, intimacy, connection, and touch. Some don’t come across that as easily as others. So what is the problem if they come across a fabricated sense of those things. And so what if they have pay for it to achieve it. Some maybe handicapped in some way, be it age, body or mind, that keeps them from expericing another or even joining the dating pool. Why can’t they pay for what they can’t achieve through honest effort?

Dates Cost Money.

No matter what people have to pay for dates in order to woo the opposite sex. How are these “gifts” any different, if at the end of the date you receive pleasure in the form of physical touch?

There is a flip side to all of it, the safety and well being of the sex workers themselves. You could claim that is what the law is there to protect them. Not concerned just with the hidden transactions which circumvent the government.

Why Not Legalize It?

However anything illegal is only going to attract criminals. They will run the industry while workers get exploited. You have desperate individuals easily manipulated by these criminals to be forced into sex traffic. However with a well regulated industry operating by the books you would put an end to the criminal activity and only licensed practitioners would essentially be allowed to operate. And just like what happened with the marijuana industry. Criminal enterprises would falter. Criminals find it difficult to operate or grow when you take away their best weapon, legality. All in all it should a choice from both sides if you want to participate in these activities or not, free from lawful intervention.

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Buying Into Multilevel Marketing #169.

If You’re Not The Owner Of The Multilevel Marketing Company Than You’re The One Getting Conned.

What other job on the planet forces you to pay them in order to essentially be their employee? Than in turn making you a nuisance to your friends and family, all because they are the only people left for you to peddle your terrible products too. And while you continue to become the town pariah. Your new “employer” continues to get rich while selling you the multilevel marketing lie that you will be a millionaire. If you just buy more products to sell and get more people involved to help you sell them.

Multilevel marketing Pyramid scheme

Who Actually Makes The Money.

They will showcase the one percent of individuals who had mediocre success. Traipsing them around stages letting the audience know it is possible, just buy more of our products. Look this person did it, you can too.

You than buy in under someone else’s sales team umbrella. So the company and this other person make a large percentage of profit off your hard work and sales.

Than, not only are you selling your products, you also need to start annoyingly convincing others to buy into this company. And they can start selling under your umbrella of sales staff. This is how the multilevel marketing company continues to grow.

Multilevel Marketing Companies.

It’s absolutely asinine to join one of these companies. Lularoe, Amway, MonaVie, HerbaLife, The list goes on and on, most, if not all of these companies eventually go defunct. Once everyone figures out the scam. LuLaRoe sellers are all now suing the company for their money back. A company once valued at 2.4 billion may soon be completely worthless.

Usually only the owners and a very select few, those who are the very first in the company, are the only ones who actually make any money. The owners make a killing but all the rest are left with worthless inventory that they paid good money for, that now sits idle in some basement or storage locker.

What We Can Do Instead.

Do not buy into these companies. No matter what they say, they will not make you rich you will only help make the owners rich. If you think you can get rich from selling vitamins or leggings. Than find your own manufacturer and create your own products and sell those. That way your profits are not being eroded by all the middle men taking their chunk out of you. They take the whole pie while your left with just a sliver. Make your own pies and keep them for yourself. Avoid others get rich quick schemes. Heck you could even start your own Multilevel marketing company. Just don’t work for someone else’s.

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Corporate Panhandling (Blowing It Scenario #142).

Supporting Charities Is A Noble And Worthy Gesture. However, Do You Ever Question Why Corporations Panhandle For Your Money When You Go To Purchase Your Items At Checkout?

Everywhere you shop now, as you pay for your groceries or whatever you’re currently shopping for, the checkout clerk will always asks you if you would like to donate your change or some other dollar denomination to this cause or that cause. It’s usually a very good charity that you’d want to support. And you are either forced to feel very uncomfortable, bordering on horrible for saying no or you give them money every single time you have to purchase something. They’ll use a just cause, like helping children or muscular dystrophy, to get your support. They’ll say, “Hey, would you to support children’s hospitals this afternoon.” And you’ll think absolutely, what a great thing you guys are doing collecting money for them. But are we so lazy or neglectful that we can’t choose charities on our own to support? Or is there a reason behind the scenes that these companies now panhandle for extra money? Could it be that they take your kind gesture of donation bundle it with all other helpful soul’s money and then donate it on behalf of the corporation? Offsetting cost and creating a massive tax write-off for the corporation. Could that possibly be why they ask for this money in the first place? Even your favorite websites do it now. Social media has set up a really easy way to donate and let individuals choose the cause and use social influence to ask for donations.

I love to believe in altruism. That everyone that supports those in need of help, or individuals who volunteer, or donate to charity do it for completely selflessness reasons. Knowing your contribution is helping another is a wonderful feeling. And we should never balk at the idea of lending a helping hand. This is not an article to say don’t give to charity, and if you find the easiest way to do so is at your grocery store when buying your groceries or while checking friends post your favorite social media, than by all means continue to do so.

What I’m advocating is we should all do our research when supporting any cause to see where that money is going and that it’s getting to the right people, those who you are actively trying to support. And you’re not just padding the pockets of wealthy corporations and their rich executives who are giving themselves inflated salaries in the name of nonprofit, and then in turn writing off taxes as charitable donations made on behalf of them. Also is it too much to ask to shop without feeling obligated to hand out more money at the end of your shopping experience? When we want to donate, we will donate we shouldn’t need the local checkout person to tell us to do so.

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