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Blowing It Scenario #1-Trump With A Porn Star, Who Really Blew It In This Scenario?

President Alleged Affair With A Porn Star.

A story recently came out that our current president allegedly had an affair with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. My question is who really failed in this scenario? Was it the girl who slept with the wealthy, married, 60 year old man, who just had a child with his new foreigner wife. Or was it the porn star who slept with a 60 year old married man? Let’s break it down. In hindsight, she did make quite a bit a money by doing it. First in the hush money she was paid, $150,000, now with all her publicity she stands to make quite a bit more. So, I think she may have accomplished what she set out for, albeit, a little gross. Maybe she didn’t blow it at all.

Was it Mr. Trump who cheated on his wife? Let’s take a look. Still wealthy, still married to the former model, became president of the United States Of America in the meantime. So as for the Teflon President, by all accounts, he’s doing just fine. I don’t think much phases him in this arena. From my humble perspective the marriage was one all for money anyway, I could be wrong. However, what model marries an over weight 60 year old man? Did Melania blow it? I’ll have to argue against that as well. A foreign model comes to the U.S. marries a wealthy businessman and eventually becomes first lady.  Her and her son will be taken care of for life.

I went into writing this thinking someone really blew it here. Except as I continued to write, I came to the conclusion that everyone in this scenario came out ahead. No damage done, no repercussions. I’m sure that was the goal. That their would be hell to pay. That’s just not how it works this day in age. The president will still be the president, his wife will still be the wealthy first lady. And the porn star will continue on her path, just a little more wealthier than she was. I think the true lesson here is, get rich…

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