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Blowing It Scenario #5-Netflix

Netflix Created A Market, Now That Market Is Over Saturated.

There was a time I absolutely loved my Netflix membership. Movies and shows on demand. We should be so lucky. We are spoiled in every since of the word with technology. As the years wore on and new players came into the market. Netflix managed to create a much worse market, where cable is now a mini mortgage payment and every competitor has it’s own on demand service.

Now if you want to watch Game of Thrones or Westworld you need to pay for HBO. If you want to watch The Man In The High Castle you need to buy Amazon Prime. If you want sports there’s an app for that, not to mention each sport is broken down in to it’s own network. So on and so forth in to the endless sea of on demand monthly payments. Netflix was once the all encompassing service, or as close to it as any one service got to it. And it still is some what.

However, Netflix is slowly turning away from the outsider shows and movies from other networks, and building the platform in their own vision of what they feel their viewers want. I can’t tell you how many countless hours I have wasted in search of something somewhat decent to watch. Only to find myself wasting even more countless hours on some crappy B-movie that Netflix presented, that was apparently 5 stars. In the past I could at least waste my time happily, with hilarious sitcoms that I don’t have to put my full attention into. But those are dropping like flies too. I’ve already lost It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Bob’s Burgers, and Family Guy is slipping away as well. And what do we get as replacements? Bo Jack Horsemen, or Orange Is The New Black? A show that already jumped the shark 3 seasons ago.

Don’t get me wrong, I still use the service and they still put out some great movies and shows. I know they’re trying to please the masses and make a dollar at the same time. However we’re about 2 show cancellations away from only using Hulu. Not that they are a perfect service either. I may just have to embrace an endless revolving door of cancelling one service each month, and subscribing to another. Or just quit T.V. altogether. That would probably be the best move for all of us.

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Blowing It Scenario #4-Hating On Tom Brady

Might Just Be Blowing It By Rooting Against Tom Brady.

I’ve hated Tom Brady for many years. Mainly for beating some of my all time favorite teams. Sometimes the Patriots seem to be shown favoritism or have a history of bending the rules. One of the biggest displays of favoritism began his unprecedented championship run. A little rule the refs decided to introduce mid game in the AFC Championship against the Raiders called the “tuck rule.” Their has since then been “deflategate,” the video taping of other teams practices and play calls. He also beat my beloved Seahawks in horrific fashion at Super Bowl 50.

However since that moment and in spite of all other indiscretions. I started to respect the guy, even started to root for him. And here’s why; As a sports fan we have to realize that we’re witnessing one of the most dominant runs by any player or coach tandem in the history of sports. We will never see anything like this again in football, at least not in our lifetimes. You can make the argument that they’re cheaters, but I would rebuttal with they’ve continued to win without cheating 99% of the time. After deflategate I guarantee an official was in the locker room testing every ball and the Patriots still managed to come from behind in the forth quarter to beat the Hawks. Great teams throughout history and life have always proven to find ways to slightly bend the rules in there favor. You do what it takes to win. Hell Hawks did it with an overly aggressive defense, they knew not every single play would get flagged.

After all that, here is the real reason I stopped hating on Tom Brady and genuinely started rooting for him. This is a guy who worked his ass off to get to where he his. No innate freak of nature talent was bestowed upon him. He was the third string quarterback on his college team, had to fight every step of the way to become a starter. It’s no secret he was drafted in the 6th round of the NFL Draft. This by all counts could have been a player that road the bench for his career. But he continued to work, continued to hustle, continued to fight. When his shot came, he never let go of the reigns, never ceased to improve. Now he’s 40 and on the precipice of his 8th Super Bowl game. Let me say that again, 8th Super Bowl game, absolutely insane. With a chance to win a 6th Super Bowl ring. With an ever rotating cast of characters surrounding him. It isn’t just luck, it’s true greatness. And he has shown us the only way to get there is with consistent hard work.

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Blowing It Scenario #3-The Government And It’s Shut Down

Let’s Talk Government.

I’ll admit I don’t much follow politics much anymore. It’s all he said she said, an endless campaign for more money. 90% of the time people are upset with one side or another about things they have no control over. Getting us further polarized in our views. I believe it’s a true recipe for depression. So I distanced myself from such topics. Today we a bombarded with news and it’s a constant struggle just to maintain your own thoughts on any given subject.

As for the government, today we enter day 2 of a government shut down. I would think if you were one to want less government, you would rejoice everyday the government is shut down. It doesn’t get much smaller than no government. If your a democrat, you blame the republicans, and if you’re a republican, you blame the democrats. So on and so forth, the vicious cycle will continue on and on year after year. If we had some semblance of control, we would probably be just as self serving. What do we do with the little control we do have.

One popular method is to go march in the streets. Yet, I’m sure if you asked every marcher of a particular issue where they stand on that issue. They would each respond with many variances of self righteousness. And so we stay divided over who gets what and when, like a couple siblings arguing over their parents will. Honestly, I think it’s great to take a stand on issues, but how many actually do it altruistically? I’m sure there are quite a few, but for the vast majority, we all work towards self preservation. Let’s be honest, most of us our after our own slice of the pie. We spent too much on tuition for a college degree, now we can find work in that field. So we want the government to pay us back. We want new homes, but we have no money because were maxed to the hilt with debt. So we buy anyway, and when enough of us can no longer afford our massive debt payments. We need the government to intervene. We are wealthy beyond our wildest dream and we never want anyone to ever touch our sweet hoards. So we get the government to preserve and protect it.

Weather you’re rich or poor, black or white, citizen or foreign, we all want a government to be working for us. We just can’t agree on how that looks. I think the best thing we can do is to start thinking of others, not just ourselves. To continuously work for the betterment of all our neighbors. To be a community that looks out for everyone and not just the few.

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Blowing It Scenario #2-Star Wars (many will disagree)

The Ways In Which Star Wars Blew It.

(spoilers) Recently I went to see the newest film in the Star Wars franchise. The Last Jedi. Albeit a pretty good movie but to me it failed for one specific reason. Before that I must tell a little back story. The original Star Wars Trilogy was created a few years before I was born but never the less it was the movies I was raised on. As close to a perfect trilogy of movies as one could get. Fast forward a couple years and Lucas Films releases the “Prequel” movies. I won’t go into too much of a rant on those but they definitely a diminished brand in my humble opinion. Especially the fact that the films looked to be a hundred years into the future but were based in the past. Also they introduced us to a very obnoxious and very prevalent character named Jar Jar Binks . Need I say more. Everyone’s a critic, including myself and I digress. I could not produce a film right now 1/64th the quality of those films. George Lucas was a producer and built a magnificent franchise that has stood the test of time. Proof of quality is echoed in the 4 billion Disney paid for Lucas Films.

Disney has now gone on to take the franchise into the stratosphere. And I hope they never slow down or cease to make Star Wars movies. However back to my original argument. As I was saying before, I was raised on the originals and in the original films their was a character named Luke Skywalker. A harbinger of good to bring balance back to the force. Probably the most iconic character of the films other then Darth Vader. Disney had so many avenues to travel on Luke’s story line when they reintroduced him in the newest films. And the character arch they chose was grizzled old man? Essentially robbing us of the many good years he dedicated to the force and towards teaching others. I feel like they might as well gave him a rocking chair and a shot gun while he yells at Rey to get off his lawn. I’m sure Disney will rectify this in an origin film. However in the meantime, that was a major failure for me and it left a sour taste in my mouth. One I needed to write out. My opinion is probably one not many will share. That’s good, we won’t always agree and the movies aren’t made specifically for me. Either way, I probably won’t ever stop watching as long as they continue to produce Star Wars movies and I do look forward to seeing “Solo .”

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Blowing It Scenario #1-Trump With A Porn Star, Who Really Blew It In This Scenario?

President Alleged Affair With A Porn Star.

A story recently came out that our current president allegedly had an affair with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. My question is who really failed in this scenario? Was it the girl who slept with the wealthy, married, 60 year old man, who just had a child with his new foreigner wife. Or was it the porn star who slept with a 60 year old married man? Let’s break it down. In hindsight, she did make quite a bit a money by doing it. First in the hush money she was paid, $150,000, now with all her publicity she stands to make quite a bit more. So, I think she may have accomplished what she set out for, albeit, a little gross. Maybe she didn’t blow it at all.

Was it Mr. Trump who cheated on his wife? Let’s take a look. Still wealthy, still married to the former model, became president of the United States Of America in the meantime. So as for the Teflon President, by all accounts, he’s doing just fine. I don’t think much phases him in this arena. From my humble perspective the marriage was one all for money anyway, I could be wrong. However, what model marries an over weight 60 year old man? Did Melania blow it? I’ll have to argue against that as well. A foreign model comes to the U.S. marries a wealthy businessman and eventually becomes first lady.  Her and her son will be taken care of for life.

I went into writing this thinking someone really blew it here. Except as I continued to write, I came to the conclusion that everyone in this scenario came out ahead. No damage done, no repercussions. I’m sure that was the goal. That their would be hell to pay. That’s just not how it works this day in age. The president will still be the president, his wife will still be the wealthy first lady. And the porn star will continue on her path, just a little more wealthier than she was. I think the true lesson here is, get rich…

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