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Pouring Money Into An Infrastructure No One Wants Or Needs #175.


Why Pour Money Into New Infrastructure For Bike Lanes In An Over Crowded City? If The Result Causes More Crowding And Even Less Bicyclist?

Infrastructure For Bicyclist
Photo by Adrian Williams on Unsplash

As is the case in the city of Seattle not only have city officials poured millions of dollars in infrastructure cost down the drain. Attempting to create a bike friendly city. Money that could be better used. The new lanes they created for bicyclist have taken road space from commuters. Not only that but bicycling as a whole is consistently down year over year. Just under 2 percent of the entire city commuters actually bike to work.

It’s A Poor System.

Catering to the demands of so few is absolutely ridiculous. Than in order to pay for those who don’t have to drive to work or those who take public transportation. The majority, those who owns vehicles, have to pay astronomical taxes for car tabs in order to fund these projects that cater to those who don’t use vehicles. It’s a dumb system and it’s not even working to remove people from vehicles and put them on public transportation or on bikes. Why? because bikes are a poor inefficient and often unsafe way to get to where you need to go.

Maybe if you live within a few miles of work. You would use those other forms of transportation rather than drive yourself. But many who work in the city, live outside of the city. Why? Because to live in a city where Amazon has it’s headquarters and Google and Facebook have major office would require a salary beyond the blue collar average.

Stop Funding A Lost Cause.

Burning Money

Lastly most bicyclist want the same rights as vehicles but very few obey the same rules and laws. Most will run stop signs, run red lights, cut in front of traffic, drive far below the speed limit. You could even argue that they cause more emissions due to slowing down traffic. Granted they do have a lot more obstacles, while navigating a busy city than most. And that is probably the reason why most opt out of biking altogether. So if people are opting out. stop funding a lost cause.

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Buying Into And Paying For High Priced Training’s To Make Money #174.

If You’re Paying Someone Else Anything More Than The Cost Of A Book. To Learn How To Make Money. Than You Will Be The One Losing Money. While You’re Providing Profit To The Huckster Selling You The Program.

Almost all the information is out there for free online. No money needed, no paying anyone anything. Just do a quick YouTube search and you can learn how to repair your car, make home improvements, build websites, sell online. You name it you can find it free online or in a book store. The information is endless and right at your fingertips.

No Paying With Free Books From The Library

If you can not find it free it should cost you nothing more than the price of a book to get the information you need. And even with that method most libraries contain the books need for free.

Yet many are getting rich off telling people they can help them make money. If they just pay for their online courses. There is a deluge of people online touting they can help you make excellent money selling on Amazon just committing a few hours a day tops.

Many of these course range in the thousands to tens of thousands to participate in and many of these companies are under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission due to their fraudulent claims, customer complaints, and with many customers losing their life savings in the process.

What Are Some Solutions?

As hopeful as we may be about a program that can teach us to make thousands, if not millions. We have to look in ourselves and ask are we just to lazy to do the ground work ourselves? That is not to say that guidance isn’t necessary. Find a mentor if possible. But if we all receive the same guidance the path becomes well worn. Easy to navigate but as the population continues to grow that path increasingly erodes, And our returns are consistently diminished.

Making Money Online

You have to find what works for you and sometimes that requires trail and error. Minimize error by not committing all your savings to one product or class or service. Unless you are absolutely certain you will see it all the way through to fruition or worst case scenario, have a cut off point for if you don’t make it. Diversify your education and your creations. Just remember education should not cost thousands. It’s out there and it’s mostly free.

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Money As Your Sole Motivator #173.

It’s A Vapid And Vacant Equations. No Amount Of Money Will Ever Add Up To Fulfillment.

Money has no meaning, it’s not real. It’s purely an idea that we use as a value exchange. If I value what you have, I will in turn transfer you my numbers or paper that I have been collecting to you for that valued item.

My collection grows by providing value to others in exchange for their numbers. If I work harder for their numbers or give them more of my time numbers, they in turn will give me more of their numbers. If you create something of high value that millions of people want or need, they will give you some of their collection of these arbitrary numbers.

I just call them numbers here because I want to emphasize mundanity of money, it’s banal, not a true motivator of anything.


Focus On What’s Truly Important.

When we choose to focus on money rather than what’s important. We become money chasers. Leaching to anything we think will grow our collection. Neglecting that which is truly important.

Also when we chase something we sometimes frighten that which we want further away. Creating the gulf between more and more expansive. We lose track of the right reasons we were ever pursuing noble ambitions.

Say you want to give your family a better life and you understand it takes an increase in financial status in order to do so. You believe you need to get your hands on more of those arbitrary numbers, so that becomes your sole focus. So you start looking for ways to obtain it. And in your pursuit you might begin to pull yourself further away. From the family you were once so eager to support grow and most importantly be a part of.

You might think money will set you free but the paradox of it all is, the pursuit of it is a new self imposed prison. Money is meaningless, the things it can buy do have purpose. Instead of chasing meaningless money, become purposeful, be a producer.

Other Alternatives.

Every time I think about making this site about money. I become disinterested and disillusioned with the process slightly neglectful. Of course I want it to be successful to the point I can devote more of my time to noble pursuit. It’s more about the allure of creating something people enjoy and want more of. Something of value to another.

I know that money is not a healthy motivator, it manipulates ambition in the wrong way. Make it about others instead. And if some how the money comes and those numbers begin to add up you can enjoy the fruits of your labor with those who are most important to you.

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Believing Money Is The Root Of All Evil #150.


Believing Money Is The Root Of All Evil Is The Battle Cry Of The Misinformed And Often Less Fortunate.

Photo by Vladimir Solomyani on Unsplash

This is one of the major lies we continue tell ourselves that has become so prevalent throughout society. We all know the phrase, many of us believe it to be some form of wise ancient wisdom. Knowledge handed down through the years to give comfort to those who chose not to pursue higher ambitions because they believe the words to be true. Its a reason to shun money from our existence. We are not evil people so why would we want to attract money. It’s a poor notion held by poor people. It’s also a completely misinterpreted saying.

The real quote is “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” First off it refers to the love of money, not money itself.  Than it mentions it as a root, not the root. Lastly its saying this can lead to forms of evil. If you love money deeply and covet it immensely you may go to nefarious lengths in order to obtain it. And that may be a kind of evil deed. If you cheat steal lie or hurt others to acquire it, you are the evil this quote speaks of. But this has a completely different meaning then generalizing all money to be the root of all evil and those who have it are evil doers.

As Mark Twain Said Lack Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil.

Money has helped far more people than poverty ever could. Many who have it, made it by creating a better world for all of us to enjoy.

Money Is Simply A Thank You For Product Or Service.

When we pay for something we’re saying thank you with our money to the producers of products and services. They may have created something for us to enjoy or a necessity we must have. And these producers profit from our need. It’s a symbiotic relationship that is not only healthy it’s a good deed towards humanity.

Money is not evil, people who go after it with the cruelest intentions are evil. People and there misguided evil choices are what give money an evil name. But it’s also people who do amazing good with the money they acquire by helping the masses.

Help Millions, You Will Make Millions

We should all be in pursuit to help others and when we help enough, the money will follow. Never believe this new income makes you evil. Continue to do more, to help more and you’ll obtain more. And when you achieve more always remember that financial growth is simply a thank you.

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Blowing it Scenario #8-World Economic Forum

It’s A Failure To Have A Few Wealthy Individuals Wax Intellectual About Economics Without Hearing The Plight Of The Common Man.

Every year the top business people and those in banking and government get together in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the economics of the day. I do believe in some form or another that it is very necessary to discuss such issues. Cooperation between world powers is essential for peace. One of the crucial elements I do believe they often miss, is the will of the people. I could be wrong. How am I to know exactly what is discussed. I have yet to be  invited to such events.

However when the media discusses the world economic forum. They discuss the future plans, and it usually involves ideas to throw more money at this issue or that issue. The major failure of this increased money supply that the wealthy most likely understand but do it anyway.  More money complicates matters for those with less of it, but it enriches when you hold all the cards. In Pareto’s Law it describes this economic principle, that 80% of the wealth will be in the hands of only 20% of the masses. Sometimes the numbers are skewed heavier in one favor then the other but they theory holds up across all industries. So when an abundance of money flows to a particular area of the economy. By law 80% of that money will flow to 20% of that particular industry. And when you have those 20% dictating where that money will be spent, it creates a self serving world economy where the wealthy will never part with any of there share.  And the less fortunate receive less and less, if anything at all. It seems the outsider looking in that the goal of this event is to gain more for those few.

In order to keep up those 20% individuals and businesses, who have 80% of the wealth (it’s probably now closer to 90/10 now). The everyday working class citizen must borrow more and more just to keep up with the rising sea of money that flows in to every area of life. Rent increases, gas price increases, food cost increases, mortgage increases and on and on. And speaking of mortgage increases, the wealthy beyond there wildest dream banks, who almost collapsed the economy with their risky bets. Banks now make you pay their insurance bill, on the money they risked to loan you, for your house mortgage. They literally make you pay there insurance bill. Which insurance is just another investment arm, so they take that money and pump it back into industries they want to grow. And the cycle continues, enriching a few and perpetually increasing the cost of goods and living expenses. Mind you when you pay your banks insurance bill, that doesn’t go to paying down the principle on the house you “own” or raising your station in life. That is just money you willing give to the bank to because you have to foot the bill for there risky past failures. So I guess the lesson here again is, either get rich or hope that elite class starts letting you into the party. I believe the former will be far easier then the latter.

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