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Blowing It Scenario #54-The Con That Allows Full Access To Our Personal Lives.

Why Must We Scarfice Our Intimate Moments For The Right To Use Websites.

I get personal data is somehow as good as gold these days. Sure it may be free to use your favorite app or website but what is the true cost? I’m not sure any study has been made or can be made.

Silently individuals are being destroyed left and right all because a website here or simple app there. All designed to make our lives easier or happier and more well connected. Yet they slowly drive a wedge that pushes us further apart. And while that wedge is being consistently hammered home. Our personal and most initmate details about ourselves are slowly being collected and sold off to the highest bidder or stolen from the best hackers. And we could care less. Why? Because we’re so distracted by these products they created for us. So much so that it’s even difficult to manufacture unifed dissent against it.

We’ll be upset for maybe a day sometimes we can keep the fire for a week. We’ll get on board with the latest hashtag promoting our new found dissonance. Then in a week’s time a new article will come out touting our frustration with you name it. And we’ll turn our attention towards that. Completely disregarding our last crusade to change the world. I know because I write about the new found problems everyday. They will simply fade out favor in due time. And in a distracted world that tends to happen at break neck speeds.

They hurt us more often then not and we often don’t even see it coming most of that time. Loss of credit, loss of insurance, loss of money, loss of loved one’s. This stuff has immense power over us and we casually allow it too. At least now we are becoming more aware of it and can make better consious choices. That doesn’t change the fact that a lot of it is still very addicting. It’s a play right out of the drug dealers handbook. Give the first one away for free and they’ll be hooked for life.

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Blowing It Scenario #32-Parents Are Blowing It By Employing The Tablet Babysitter

It’s A Lazy Parenting Move, Failing To Engage With Your Child.

We have all seen it. Most of us have participated ourselves. That feeling you get when you just don’t want to deal with your child or hear them anymore. You think I need a break and you go reach for your trusty old babysitter side kick. The family tablet or when your out and about your smart phone will make a great substitute. That heavenly screen with all it’s bells and whistles can surely shut the hardiest of kids right up. But at what cost? An article came out recently that silicon valley parents are now raising their children tech free. That means the very creators of these tools believe they are a hindrance to their child’s development. It’s a major read flag and we should heed the warnings.

If you haven’t already noticed. Tech has drastically changed the way we as adults operate day to day, and not always in a good way. Yes it has added massive amounts of convenience but that convenience robs us of doing the work ourselves. Robs us of the ability to becoming more proficient in different skills. We become lazy, reclusive, imbeciles who don’t know how to change a tire, or start a fire. Heck we don’t even know how hold a conversation anymore. If we have a pause or break in conversation. We just rudely pull out our phones mid conversation and check to see what our friends on Facebook or Snapchat are doing. Oh, look at that, Kerry’s having fun on vacation, let’s respond super jealous. Oh and Sarah’s clearly having a wonderful night on the town with her significant other. As shown in her most recent snap. She couldn’t have possibly rudely paused that night out, in order to take those photo’s and upload them. Envy engulfs you as you realize you’re stuck in this drab situation with no end in sight. At least you have your smart phone to rely on. As you’re scanning your phone for the most interesting people that are not in the room, a baby begins to cry in the background. Thank goodness you also brought your extra Ipad along with you. That annoying kid is not going to steal your attention away from your device either. So you hand the crying child it’s tablet security blanket because that thing really knows how to parent, who else will sing lullabies or tell stories to them.

So the vicious cycle continues into adolescence where children learn how incredibly easy it is to bully another without ever even having to leave the comfort of their bedroom. Kids these days do massively destructive things because what they have seen and learned online. Not to mention, we don’t do them any favors when the parenting that was meant to guide them away from from troubled waters is slightly absent do to the fact that they have their own technology distracting them. It’s an addiction for many people. We’re all to often giving into that addiction and starting the youth off on the very same path, from a very early age. We all could do better off by limiting our screen time and engaging with the world around us again. If not for anything else, at least do it for the children’s sake.

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Blowing It Scenario #9-How High End Smart Phones Are Blowing It.

High End Smartphone Makers Alike Have Failed Us In Many Ways.

Smart phones have changed nearly every facet of life for almost of us, over the past decade. In some ways for the better, but in many more for the  worse. Never before have we willing carried devices that can track our every moves. It constantly collects data of when you eat, when you sleep, when you workout, your heart rate, what movie genres you prefer, personal private photos you take. The list goes on and on.

We now have a device that allows absolutely anyone to get a hold of us anytime of day. So we’re never truly off the clock as long as our email can prompt us 24/7. And with each new shiny app we download, we invite a new wolf into the hen house. We are required to give up all of our personal data in order to post selfies of ourselves on this social media platform or check if our coworker had their baby on that social platform. We go on telling ourselves lies, that these corporations we tell our deepest darkest secrets too, have only our best interest in mind. So we pull up our search engines on our phones and we type in our inadequacies or our health concerns. And it just becomes more data about us collected for future reference.

So what do we pay for such a service? In the U.S. we have two major phone makers. With such limited competition in the market. Our duopoly gets to dictate the price. And the price they have set is over $1,000 for a phone.  Maybe if the phone came out in 1989 but this is 2018. Not to mention you no longer get to own your phone, you now must lease it from your carrier. which is a massive failure in my eyes, but a conversation for another day.

There is a well know law in the technology field called Moore’s Law. It observes that processing power of computers will double every two years while continually driving down the price. So in theory our phones should be getting cheaper. I will mention their is a antithesis to this law, called Rocks Law. It observes that the technology would reach a saturation point. Maybe we have reached that saturation point in the smart phone market. What other reason could their be that would require us to pay such exorbitant prices for a new phone. Nearly triple of what we paid for past phone models with only a handful of new features. My solution for the short term might just be an inexpensive unlocked smartphone. In the long term, I think it might be high time to upend this market. It seems ripe for disruption.

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