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When Bad Movies Break Records, That Doesn’t Mean You Have a Success. It Means You Have a Content Failure #196.

Bad Movies Are Breaking Viewership Records On Netflix.

Recently Netflix released another gem from Adam Sandler. Sometimes the man can hit his movies out of the ball park and sometimes its just another strike out. I do have the utmost respect for the man. He keeps creating and we keep buying. He is a very talented doer and has stayed relevant for nearly 30 years.

Adam Sandler Movies
Adam Sandler On Netflix

However this newest Sandler installment staring himself along side Jennifer Aniston might be one of those strike outs. The story line is way over the top and grossly reaching for humor. The movie is called “Murder Mystery” and to me its no mystery why this movie is breaking records on Netflix.

Have We Ran Short On Things To Watch?

People have simply ran out of quality programs to watch on the platform. That when something as bad as “Murder Mystery” comes out, almost all Netflix subscribers will waste the two hours to watch it for the sure fact that the rest of Netflix content isn’t good enough to detour our television watching escapism to that of superior programming.

Changes To Be Made.

It’s not all on Netflix either, we the viewing public will devour a great show in the matter of days with binge watching marathons. And once we’re finished we’re left with the hangover of longing for what’s next. Maybe what Netflix could do is release just four episodes of a new show right of the bat, because that’s roughly how long it takes to really get into a new show. Than go old school and release a new episode once a week for the next 6 to 10 episode. It would keep people coming back and excited for the next release. Also it would delay gratification which is a lesson we could all use a little more of in this age of instant everything.

Lessons From The Sandman.

It’s a lesson for all of us, follow in Adams footsteps, be a creator, you will find an audience. Also watch less television, I could adhere to this better myself. Lastly if you are in search, find better content, and if you can’t maybe spend that time that you would waste on bad movies more wisely.

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Blowing It Scenario #58-The Affleck Batman.

Quality Actor, Solid Director, Decent Story Line.

So why do I start these Affleck Batman Movies and fall so disinterested so quickly? Everything about Batman and Superman together should scream excitement and thrilling action. Yet I constantly find myself falling asleep during these films. I just watched Justice League for the first time last night and half way through I had no qualms about stopping the movie and heading off into slumber. I can’t put my finger on why this is happening.

Maybe there are lulls between the action that are so mundane that it just activates melatonin production. It has good production quality, great actors and actresses, it just doesn’t hold my attention. Maybe its the somber lighting, who knows. I can’t really bash the film. One because I haven’t finished it yet because I’m guessing it’s similar to taking an ambien because it keeps knocking me right out and two because I don’t really feel they’re that bad of movies. It’s just not what I expected in a film that showcases these super heroes.

Not really sure how to make it much better though, so it’s really a moot point. I’m just wondering if anyone else is having this same reaction? Who knows maybe these films can become sleep remedies for some. Then again maybe I was just not in the right state each time I began these films. Regardless to say, everyone should still see the films and come up with their own hypothesis.

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Blowing It Scenario #15-Punxsutawney Phil Blew It With His 6 More Weeks Of Winter Prediction

It’s Goundhog Day.

If you are anything like me you are already over this winter. Cold and wet would be the best two terms to describe the weather where I’m from. We get wet most of the year but  the additional cold really makes for a dreary couple months. Now we have this over confident, overzealous groundhog over in some small town on the east coast named Punxsutawney, telling us we have 6 more weeks of this nonsense winter.  Well I for one am ready for spring. It couldn’t come any sooner. I even took a tropical vacation in December to break this drab winter. It certainly helped but now Phil is raining on my parade.

I do love Groundhog Day. What a wonderful tradition that now receives national attention. About a rodent that can predict the weather in a town I had never heard of before fun little holiday. It is also a day that has sparked the creation of one of the greatest movies of all time and also one of my all time favorites. Groundhog Day. A movie where Bill Murray plays the protagonist. A self righteous self absorbed character at the beginning of the film who is cursed to live the same day, February 2nd, Groundhog Day over and over. And through a never ending series of failures in which he continues to blow it each day. After he finally hits rock bottom, quite literally in the film. He begins to learn from his mistakes, he lets go of his selfish behaviors, and begins to take action towards making the lives of everyone around him better. Only when, he at last improves all the lives around him including his own. He finally wakes the next day, a better man with a happier fuller life.

This movie is not just a brilliant comedy, it is filled with life lessons. One of the most important lessons and my favorite is that you can often feel like you’re on this never ending carousel of the same awful day. Making the mistakes. Blowing it all the way to the next repeated failure. However that’s not how the story ends. We can take actions towards making our lives and those around us all that much better. It doesn’t happen over night, it may feel thankless at times. You may have to live through what might feel like like a never ending journey just to get to the next day. But it will come if we stay steadfast in our commitment to ourselves and others. We will see the light of a new much brighter day.

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Blowing It Scenario #2-Star Wars (many will disagree)

The Ways In Which Star Wars Blew It.

(spoilers) Recently I went to see the newest film in the Star Wars franchise. The Last Jedi. Albeit a pretty good movie but to me it failed for one specific reason. Before that I must tell a little back story. The original Star Wars Trilogy was created a few years before I was born but never the less it was the movies I was raised on. As close to a perfect trilogy of movies as one could get. Fast forward a couple years and Lucas Films releases the “Prequel” movies. I won’t go into too much of a rant on those but they definitely a diminished brand in my humble opinion. Especially the fact that the films looked to be a hundred years into the future but were based in the past. Also they introduced us to a very obnoxious and very prevalent character named Jar Jar Binks . Need I say more. Everyone’s a critic, including myself and I digress. I could not produce a film right now 1/64th the quality of those films. George Lucas was a producer and built a magnificent franchise that has stood the test of time. Proof of quality is echoed in the 4 billion Disney paid for Lucas Films.

Disney has now gone on to take the franchise into the stratosphere. And I hope they never slow down or cease to make Star Wars movies. However back to my original argument. As I was saying before, I was raised on the originals and in the original films their was a character named Luke Skywalker. A harbinger of good to bring balance back to the force. Probably the most iconic character of the films other then Darth Vader. Disney had so many avenues to travel on Luke’s story line when they reintroduced him in the newest films. And the character arch they chose was grizzled old man? Essentially robbing us of the many good years he dedicated to the force and towards teaching others. I feel like they might as well gave him a rocking chair and a shot gun while he yells at Rey to get off his lawn. I’m sure Disney will rectify this in an origin film. However in the meantime, that was a major failure for me and it left a sour taste in my mouth. One I needed to write out. My opinion is probably one not many will share. That’s good, we won’t always agree and the movies aren’t made specifically for me. Either way, I probably won’t ever stop watching as long as they continue to produce Star Wars movies and I do look forward to seeing “Solo .”

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