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Associations Of Ill Repute #207

It Is Said That You Are The Sum Total Of The Five People You Keep Associations with Most.

These associations matter. They matter when you want to be a better person and they matter when you find yourself in the gutter. Look around you and see who you spend your time with and see how they influence what you do and who you are. You will notice just how much you all act alike.

It came out today that our president was once an associate and friend with Jeffrey Epstein and through their associations with one another they would have get together’s. They threw a party in the early 90’s at his Mar-A-Lago estate with 28 women and just the two of them. Jeffrey is a billionaire financier who is currently on trial and facing 45 years in prison for sex trafficking and rape charges. He also had a pension for underage women, a fact that Donald has admitted in the past. He did not condemn this fact. Quite the contrary, he likened the man to himself. Donald once said, “he’s like me, he loves beautiful women and he likes them young.” It’s not surprising that the president had associations with this man in the past. Birds of a feather flock together

Consistent Misogynistic Displays

This president has talked candidly about grabbing women in their nether region. The man has been accused of cheating on wives with porn stars and playmates. Meanwhile, he ran pageants for decades with underage women and would frequently visit their dressing rooms while they changed. Feel free to read about his disgusting display at pageants in Rolling Stones, for example.

House Of Cards.

By all accounts this man’s house of cards should have crumbled years ago. Incredibly, he seems to build it up faster than anyone can tear it down. Understand, he is not a good person, politics aside. If you have any proper judge of character you can see this. Yet we always allowed the predator to walk freely among us. He always managed to justify his actions. And from the looks of it he avoided in engaging in blatantly illegal activities from what we know. He just always had associations with these wealthy criminals. What really has taken place? Will we ever know?

Ways To Improve.

5 closest associations

All we can really do is watch out for ourselves. Be careful who you associate with. If you find yourself engaging in actions of ill repute, look around you. It might be those closest to you that help facilitate your actions and it could be high time to disassociate and find a better class of individuals to surround yourself with.

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Create A College Scam And Then Get Everyone You Made Accomplices In Your Crime In Trouble #188.

College Graduation

One of the biggest college admissions scandals in history was revealed. And the person who took it down is same person who started it.

This comes as a surprise to me. I had already thought that money could buy you a diploma at the elite schools. Now it’s proven that it could, you just had to take a shadier path to get there. A man created a false charity to launder money in order to bribe school officials, and coaches. Than they facilitated ways to cheat on the SAT and ACT. All in order to get kids who would otherwise not make it into the elite universities away in. Then after this man who created this whole fraudulent system gets caught. He then goes and throws all the people he brought into this system under the bus. For fraud that they were committing under his tutelage. It’s hard to think, who wouldn’t take a bribe that says you can help a student get into the college. They want to get in to and you’ll make money facilitating this. Just on principle alone it would be hard to turn that down. Especially when people need more and more money survive just the day today life and pay bills.

So now you get paid you help a student. Who wouldn’t otherwise get into college get into the college of their dreams. After doing so the man who bribed you. Comes back and incriminates you for helping with the scheme he concocted in the first place.

College Graduation
Graduation Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The College Scheme Exposed.

Schemes like these have probably been going on for decades. It’s only now being brought to the attention, I assume because it was on such a large scale. And it wasn’t quite enough money to turn a blind eye.

Ultra wealthy parents of children have been working the system for years in order to get their children into the same alumni. Honestly colleges are already so damn expensive that they should just make that the entire system as is. If you want to get into a Princeton or Harvard. You just have to have x more dollars than anybody else. It seems like that’s how the system already works. All in all I think the scam just really exposes the college system as a whole. A corrupt flawed overpriced system. College is the ultimate scam.

Don’t Blame The Parents For Wanting A Better Life For Their Children.

I don’t blame the parents for wanting the better life for the children. I don’t blame the school officials or coaches wanting to earn more and help a child out in the process. The real people who suffer from this are the kids who either learn cheating gets you ahead. Or they are given a golden ticket that they never had to work for. Which may give them even more entitlement down the road. The fact that they need to do this to get into the “right” college in order to have the “best” future, is the real scam.

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Glorifying Fame To The Point Of Turning A Blind Eye To Criminal Activity. Michael Jackson Was A Predator #185.

Michael Jackson

We All Knew Michael Jackson Had Mental Issues, It Was Written On His Face. And We All Knew He Was A Predator, It Was Written In His Actions.

Take the weak, the poor, the youthful ignorance, those who hero worship, and then abuse them because they have no power to contest those claims. That’s what Michael Jackson did. Than take the successful children of entertainment put them under your wing and help them navigate fame, never abuse those with power and you’ll turn those children into your evangelist. Singing your praises. And those will be the voices heard. Than if ever someone comes forward with abuse allegations pay a kings ransom to keep that voice silent. Till you pass one day and no one can keep up with the ransom or the lie.

Michael Jackson
Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Abused Children Finally Coming Forward.

I think it’s great that these people are finally allowed to come forward. Even though they still face a heavy head wind from the worshipers. Those who would rather remain blind and ignorant, can’t silence the truth.

The man was a bold face liar. Asked if he ever had plastic surgery he would deny it. Ask if he ever abused children, he’d say no that’s ridiculous. It’s really a sad tale. A child of abuse often continues the abuse. Maybe not in the same methods that they were abused in but it happens often. It’s never an excuse and the cycle must be broken. Sadly Michael Jackson never had a normal childhood or normal life. He was raised on a pedestal and clearly abused that power. I’m sure he suffered thoroughly throughout that life but it is never an excuse to prey upon children. The truth is finally set free for the world to judge it just took far too long to get there.

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