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States That Don’t Allow Alternatives To Burial Or Cremation #194.

Washington state became the first state to legally allow human composting as a burial option. All states should follow suit.

From the earth we begin, back to the soil we shall end. It’s nature’s way yet we infringe upon that right. We over stepped our bounds and bastardized the natural process. Who thought the best option would be to embalm a body with formaldehyde in order to be a show piece as your last visual representation on earth? Your life less body is pumped full of toxic fluid, than you’re stuffed into a wooden or metal box and put into a hole six feet underground to serve no purpose beyond a burial site that acts as a memorial for friends and family to mourn over.

Burial site
1000 year old burial site, Rock of Cashel

Ideally you are at least an organ donor and there was a purpose for parts of you, to help save the lives of others so they may survive. But what about the bulk of you? Wouldn’t you rather fertilize the earth with soil of your flesh? Now filled with beneficial microorganisms after the composting that can continue to help vegetation grow. To “live” on within a tree or a flower, within the fruits and vegetables that feed other organisms. Wouldn’t that be a gift to leave behind.

Just Give Us More Burial Options

Even if you don’t want that option you should have the right to choose. Yet only one state give you that right, Washington state. Other states may have other options. You can dawn a fungus body suit where your body becomes the medium for which mushroom can grow on and fed off of as your body decomposes. Heck you should have the option to have a viking burial if you so choose. Who got to decide on our limited choices of what they do with our bodies when we die? That is the bodies owner’s choice and what they decide should be honored, as long as it does not infringe on others.

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Blowing It Scenario #93-Your Sunscreen May Be Destroying Coral Reefs.

Sunscreen Kills Coral Reefs.

Hawaii recently became the first state to ban certain sunscreen. Specifically ones that use oxybenzone (BP-3) or octinoxate. Two products known to be in over 3,500 skin care products. Honestly it’s quite the surprise they’re just now figuring this out. For years we have lathered up our skin with a high quality SPF right before we set out to enjoy the water. Only to watch that lotion beautifully release that kaleidoscope of colors when the oil reacts with the water as it slowly dissipates into the sea. No wonder the reefs are dying off, that’s just one person, times that by hundreds of millions and you certainly have a ecological disaster a foot.

On top of that what harmful effect could these skincare products have upon us. Sure we don’t have the same biological make up as coral but if our lotion can kill young coral what can it do to the young skin cells we have in our bodies. Are we willingly applying toxic chemicals to our own skin to prevent the suns rays from penetrating? I know these chemicals beat the hell out of skin cancer so sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

I imagine the rest of the world will follow suit with Hawaii and Australia working towards preventing these chemicals from hitting our water ways sooner than later. I’m sure the only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because it’s a pretty major industry and that money buys time. What should we use instead? Well you can always go the old fashioned way and keep your sun exposure brief or scientist say you can use a mineral based sunscreens that use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide not sure the research behind those and what effect it has on our ecosystem but currently that is apparently is the best skin care solution for the coral reefs. So get out and enjoy that weather just try to do it without BP-3 chemicals.

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Blowing It Scenario #90-Carbon Dioxide Levels At Their Highest In 800,000 Years.

Congratulations Everyone, We Did It, Que The Bells And Whistles.

We reached the highest levels of CO2 in 800,000 years. It’s a cause for celebration right? Now our ever diminishing forest and acidifying oceans can get more of that sweet odorless colorless gas they breathe in so well. It’s time to really work towards solutions. We all probably be long gone before we have to face any true adversity. But this planet is a gift that we received we need to take care of it and be stewards of it for generations to come.

I’ll admit I’m very much part of the problem I’m working on this computer right now that needed to be charged before us, energy consumption. I’m doing my laundry water and high energy consumption. I drive a vehicle that averages around 20 miles to the gallon more burning of fossil fuels. I think most people would love to do their part.

It just seems that in order to do so most would have to go into debt servitude in order to afford the right things to repair the planet. We would all love to go completely clean energy. Solar panels on the house will probably set you back $40,000 a new electric car let’s be generous and say $30,000. Grow as much of your own produce which requires a lot of time and energy. Valuable time and energy. when all is said and done you could spend upwards of a hundred grand just to get squared a way. And how did you come by that income. You probably worked for it or have a business that created the profit, maybe you drove your car everyday to a massive consumption hungry business park or office. Or you relied on others, those who ran the factories and built all the things we have to make our lives a bit more easy. So much goes into that little paper towel we just threw out. I guess one of the alternatives is we could all live in tiny homes and use composting toilets and ride our bikes everywhere. But that might be a tough sell for most.

Look I’m not saying change can’t be done. I’m saying it currently cost less and is far easier to stay the course we’re presently on. Meaning we’ll most likely continue to increase our appetite for consumption. And next year we’ll have even more carbon in the atmosphere. And with that the hunger only grows stronger. The people could demand it but when power is consolidated to such a rare few. Those in power must step up and say enough is enough and do it with out getting ostracized from the power community. It’s time we work towards new solutions even if those don’t contribute to an entity making massive profits.

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