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Ill Reputable Individuals Ruining Bathroom Privileges For Us All. Avoiding Blowing It #250.

Bathroom Privileges

Leave It To A Few Bad Apples To Ruin Bathroom Privileges For Us All.

Remember growing up when bathroom privileges seemed universal. If you really had to go you could simply jump into almost any nearby store front. Use their restroom real quick and either be on your way. Or do some shopping while there.

Bathroom Privileges

Now you have to drive all over town asking every clerk for the right to use the bathroom and often your greeted with, “sorry we can’t let you use the bathroom. Due to excessive vandalism our bathrooms are now close to the public.” If you’re lucky, you’ll get the quote, “our bathrooms are for paying customers only,” and you simply buy something small that you didn’t really want just to use the toilet. Maybe to prove you are reputable enough to use their toilet. And to possibly offset the fraction of a cent for toilet water, a dash of soap and a sliver of paper.

Even still most bathroom locks have key codes now and some even have a magnetic buzzer system to buzz you in from the front register. Like we’re inmates to monitor. Someday we may lose all privileges all together if we don’t find a system to prevent the very small subgroup of society that thinks it’s okay to vandalize restrooms or sleep in them or use them as their own little drug den. These are public spaces that we should all do our part to respect. Before we have to start paying to enter all bathrooms.

We have to create a process that only punishes those who abuse the system and not the entire array of users. How do we do that? Some countries charge a minimal fee to use the public restroom. Which is a decent idea but still not enough to punish abusers. People could pay and still damage things. There are a number of different ideas we could come up with. Regardless we have to do something soon before we’re left to just go on the streets.

Company Stealing From Employees #216.

Stealing from employees

If A Patron Tips Someone That Is For That Individual’s Services. If A Company Takes It. That Is The Company Stealing From Employees.

Or in the case of door dash stealing from independent contractors. Door dash is literally stealing from employees. By keeping a portion of the tips that customers think are going to the driver. The driver that just spent his own time, energy, and gas. In order to go to a restaurant or store, park their vehicle, walk in, sometimes wait extra time for the order to ready. Than gingerly drive said order to the patrons house which could be many miles away. The time in which that takes could approach upwards of an hour.

This whole service somehow cost under 5 dollars. There is absolutely no way that driver has earned any income whatsoever. They may in fact be in the negative. The only way to negate this negative monetary state. Is with the hopes the patron understands all that went into bringing them that order. And they reward the driver with a tip. Or at least they think it goes to the driver.

Door Dashes Policy Was To Skim A Percentage Of The Tips Paid To Drivers.

In order to increase their business. A blatant theft of both consumer and employee.

As a consumer, most tip for service and we expect that tip to go 100% to the person who facilitated that service. Not the company. When we pay for meals the business has already accounted for profit. We are not tipping to add to that profit. We are tipping the person barely getting by on the earnings provided by that employer. The fact that we even tip is still an allocation to the company. We are outsourcing the responsibility of wages to the patrons.

To Insure Promptness.

Stealing from employees
Photo by Sam Truong Dan on Unsplash

This is the true meaning of the word tip. Originally you gave a tip at the beginning of service with the expectation the server would be prompt with their service. Which is already a given, it’s part of their job. So tipping turned into exceptional services rendered. Than from there it became customary to leave something to all assistance. Meanwhile employers could begin paying employees less. Because income was than covered by the people receiving the already mandated services provided regardless of tip.

We Have Now Taken This To The Extreme.

Where some people in the service industry work off tips alone. Which is ludicrous. Tips aren’t a guarantee. No one should ever have to work for another and than be forced to beg many others for spare change as their income. A tip should always be in addition to salary, not salary itself. And if ever we find a company stealing from employees like this. It should be charged as what it is. Theft.

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Create A College Scam And Then Get Everyone You Made Accomplices In Your Crime In Trouble #188.

College Graduation

One of the biggest college admissions scandals in history was revealed. And the person who took it down is same person who started it.

This comes as a surprise to me. I had already thought that money could buy you a diploma at the elite schools. Now it’s proven that it could, you just had to take a shadier path to get there. A man created a false charity to launder money in order to bribe school officials, and coaches. Than they facilitated ways to cheat on the SAT and ACT. All in order to get kids who would otherwise not make it into the elite universities away in. Then after this man who created this whole fraudulent system gets caught. He then goes and throws all the people he brought into this system under the bus. For fraud that they were committing under his tutelage. It’s hard to think, who wouldn’t take a bribe that says you can help a student get into the college. They want to get in to and you’ll make money facilitating this. Just on principle alone it would be hard to turn that down. Especially when people need more and more money survive just the day today life and pay bills.

So now you get paid you help a student. Who wouldn’t otherwise get into college get into the college of their dreams. After doing so the man who bribed you. Comes back and incriminates you for helping with the scheme he concocted in the first place.

College Graduation
Graduation Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The College Scheme Exposed.

Schemes like these have probably been going on for decades. It’s only now being brought to the attention, I assume because it was on such a large scale. And it wasn’t quite enough money to turn a blind eye.

Ultra wealthy parents of children have been working the system for years in order to get their children into the same alumni. Honestly colleges are already so damn expensive that they should just make that the entire system as is. If you want to get into a Princeton or Harvard. You just have to have x more dollars than anybody else. It seems like that’s how the system already works. All in all I think the scam just really exposes the college system as a whole. A corrupt flawed overpriced system. College is the ultimate scam.

Don’t Blame The Parents For Wanting A Better Life For Their Children.

I don’t blame the parents for wanting the better life for the children. I don’t blame the school officials or coaches wanting to earn more and help a child out in the process. The real people who suffer from this are the kids who either learn cheating gets you ahead. Or they are given a golden ticket that they never had to work for. Which may give them even more entitlement down the road. The fact that they need to do this to get into the “right” college in order to have the “best” future, is the real scam.

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Never Throw A Rock Over An Overpass #187.

Rock On Overpass

A woman sitting in the passenger seat of her vehicle. Was killed in Texas on Saturday from a rock flying through her windshield. While her and her family were driving home along the highway.

The rock was thrown from an overpass. This one should be a no-brainer. Who in the right mind throws a rock over a highway overpass? Maybe you don’t think it will hurt anyone or go through a windshield but even still what would be the point of throwing a rock over an overpass? Unless you were trying to injure someone. Or if you were just trying to do some destruction. Either way it’s 1000% the wrong move.

Rock On Overpass
Photo by Aaron Munoz on Unsplash

Now this 33 year old mother of three will never be around to raise her children. Those kids lost their mother right in front of their eyes and for what? was it a prank a joke did they not intend to harm anyone?

An Avoidable Accident.

It’s a very avoidable circumstance, a failure that should never happened. Maybe it was wrong place at the wrong time. But if you’re just driving home on the highway you shouldn’t have to worry about projectiles exploding through your windshield. That’s not the wrong place that’s someone who is making a terrible decision. Rocks simply shouldn’t fall from the sky and crash through your windshield.

I hope this individual comes forward and apologizes even though no amount of apologies can take back the damage that’s been done. They will also need to serve time for their crime. Because this is essentially a homicide. Maybe it’s also time we improve car windshields. Possibly make them with a clear plastic.

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Stand Your Ground Laws (Blowing It Scenario #129)

If You’re Able To Kill Someone After Provoking A Fight With Them, There Is Something Inherently Wrong With That Law.

Last week a gentleman in Florida provoked a fight with a couple who parked in a handicap spot. The couple who had young children in the car were approached by a man upset about their choice to park in that spot. I’m guessing they parked there in order to save time even though there was open spots closer to the front door. Or they didn’t notice it was for hanficap individuals. The couple was not handicap nor did they require handicap parking which they absolutely should have not used it as a parking spot no matter what their reasoning. No non handicap person should ever park in those spots. They are there for a reason, as convenience for those who need it most. That was their first mistake.

The man who drove the vehicle was in the store with one of his children getting snacks when he was alerted to the man fighting with the mother of his children out front. In a very ill advised move, the father stormed out of the store and ran over to shove the man causing issue with the mother. That was his second and most costly mistake. Never ever approach an irate individual who is clearly looking to goad another into a fight and immediately engage him in that fight. Allow cooler heads to prevail and ask him how we can improve the situation at hand. After the first shove, the man on the ground immediately pulled a gun from his pocket and shot the father in the chest. Even though the father seemed to yield after shoving the other man.

This man who provoked the fight in the first place who also ended it by ending another mans life. It seemed as if he was actively looking for an excuse to shoot someone and he found it by enticing another to fight him. A notion proven by another non handicap individual who parked in that same a few weeks before and said that same man engaged him and threatened him to shoot him for parking there. Now the man who killed the individual and threatened others will not be charged with any crime because he is compliant with Florida’s stand your ground gun laws. I don’t think it’s off base to believe aspects of certain laws that allow others to kill people legally need some form of ratification in order to limit the power of those who begin the dispute. These individuals must face the consequences of their actions. That man could have just brandished the gun and the fight would have ceased, lessons still would have been learned. But pulling the trigger is an action with finality to it. Leaving no options for the individual who may have made a mistake to correct that mistake. It also removed a young father from his children’s lives. In the stand your ground law it always seems to be the individuals who intiate that mortally retaliate. This has to change.

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